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Recent content by Shadzerios

  1. Shadzerios

    Secret Santa 1.16 time but late

    OH I AM SUCH A BAFOON I didn't realize the year of the submission. My apologises! xD
  2. Shadzerios

    Secret Santa 1.16 time but late

    Username: Shadzerios Discord: Shadzerios#4381 3 Things I Would Want: Level 5 XD001. Large. Soapstone. I use lots of it. ;-; Nether-related blocks for building. 3 Things I Would Like: Tree samplings from each Overworld biomes. Endstone. Lots of Endstone for an underground build. Mending books? ?
  3. Shadzerios

    What changes would you make if you were Game Freak?

    Let's see. If I worked at Game Freak, I would try to push on few ideas from the point of view from a business administrator and a player. Less momentary "special" stat boosting. Stop pushing out or at the very least make them much fewer new ways to momentary stat boosts your Pokemon because it...
  4. Shadzerios

    Introductions: Hello there!

    New site and relaunch of the server might as well be the first post even if I might not be a new face to some. Anyhow! My name is Shadzerios! Most refer to me as Shadz or Shad for short. I am part more of the more older side of the player base and woman from Finland. I am a freelancer artist...