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MirageCraft Pixelmon Community Rules

MirageCraft Pixelmon Community Rules

General Rules

  1. Do not spam in the chat.
  2. Do not spam commands that cause other players to receive spam/unwanted/continuous messages.
  3. Do not use explicit or insulting language.
  4. Do not advertise or promote other servers.
  5. The use of hacked clients, mods, auto-clickers, or other external software that give an unfair advantage will result in an immediate, permanent ban.
  6. Do not bypass, or attempt to bypass, the chat filter. If there is a word that is filtered in error, please open a support ticket via Discord.
  7. Using alternative accounts is allowed.
    1. You may not use alternative accounts to avoid punishments.
    2. You may not use alternative accounts to claim additional rewards/prizes/giveaways, etc.
    3. You may not use alternative accounts to unfairly benefit your main account.
  8. Griefing and stealing in claimed areas is not allowed. Players who are trusted on claims that take items or build/destroy builds will not be considered stealing or griefing.
    1. If a player doesn’t claim an area, and that area is griefed or stolen from, then staff will not intervene. To protect your items and areas, you must claim your land and give appropriate permissions to people you trust in the area.
    2. When you trust players to your claim, the expectation is that you have already vetted the person and are allowing them access to build/break/take items, etc. Staff will not intervene if a player steals something or griefs something inside of a claim that the claim owner has given permission for that player to interact with.
    3. Do not claim or build within 12 blocks of another player's claim, unless they have explicitly granted you permission to do so.
  9. Do not scam other players.
  10. Do not use (abuse) exploits or bugs in the game.
  11. Automatic AFK and EXP farms are not allowed.
    1. Building of AFK or EXP farms as “decoration” is not allowed either. Staff are instructed to destroy such machines if located.
  12. Abusing loopholes in this ruleset is irrelevant. We follow a “spirit of the rule” not “written letter of the law” when addressing rule violations.
  13. Sexism, Racism, Witch Hunting, and Hate Speech are not tolerated.
  14. Last but not least - always follow our GOLDEN RULE! Respect EVERYONE at all times. Regardless if the person is Mirage rank, Staff, or Trainer.

Rules for Ranks

  1. Any form of in-game rank that is acquired via competition of any kind must be done so as a result of the player’s own actions, without any external assistance from other players, unless otherwise specified.
  2. Ranks and items received via donation/purchase are meant solely for the account the item or rank was purchased for only. You may not use them for other players (e.g., you may not sell or giveaway/repair to other players, or /hatch on other players' eggs; likewise, you may not share items from kits with others unless those other players also have access to the same kit).
  3. Any rank, item, Pokémon, or other non-tangible item received from our store are non-refundable.
  4. Abusing benefits that come with your rank will result in losing your rank or the privilege that was abused. Some examples of abuse include, but are not limited to:
    1. Flying during a PvP event.
    2. Healing your Pokémon by use of donor commands during certain events.
    3. Selling items from kits to other players.
  5. Staff Members have a duty to intervene. Meaning that if staff witness someone breaking a server rule, they should promptly address the situation and provide feedback/punishments as needed.

Rules for Gym Leaders

  1. Gym Leaders are selected via an application process and must be approved by server leadership. Feel free to apply via Discord.
  2. Gym Leaders MUST fight a minimum of 5 fights per week. Failure to do so for 2 weeks in a row may result in dismissal as a Gym Leader.
    1. This rule assumes that a Gym Leader will receive 5+ challenges per week. If the leader of a specific gym doesn’t receive more than 5 challenges in a week, this section of the rule shall be ignored.
  3. Gym Leaders MUST accept all battles when challenged by a player who has obtained the “PokeAnalyst” rank.
  • Published
    Dec 16, 2022
  • Page views