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Events Mirage League



Staff member
Wiki Editor
Event Coordinator
Mirage League (ML) is the server's official 1v1 tournament held on every 1st Weekend of the month at 5PM UTC (The time may change monthly depending on circumstance, in which we will announce a week prior to the event. These announcements will be on our Discord server and on the forums). The tournament will be bracket-style and the battle formats can vary from month to month, the format the tournament is will be announced in game, on the forums and on our Discord, Rules for the formats used can be found below. All participants' teams will be posted on this thread just before the event for players to form a strategy. Keep an eye on this thread for the teams.

Like any other tournament, there are rules you need to be aware of, so please do read and understand them before proceeding to sign up for the event. Naturally, breaking the rules will result in disqualification.

Mirage League Rules
1. Team must follow the standard Smogon wide clauses, such as Species Clause, Sleep Clause, Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Moody Clause, Swagger Clause and Endless Battle Clause. More information here.
2. A Pokémon may not have the moves Double Team, Minimize, Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold.
3. Players can not intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
4. You are not allowed to use any healing items such as potions and revives.
5. If you haven’t arrived on time, you won't be participating.
6. If your team is not ready before ML starts you are disqualified.
7. All information on your pokepaste team must be the same as your pokémon in-game. Not stating natures, EVs, abilities, etc is equal to misinformation on your team and is unfair to others when these teams are released. Please make sure to enter the correct information. If found during the event, you will either be given an opportunity stated below or be disqualified
  • If an illegal ability has been discovered during/after a battle, you will be disqualified.
  • If an illegal item has been discovered during/after a battle, this will be removed from that pokémon and can't be replaced with another item. The battle will then be restarted from the beginning.
  • If an illegal move has been discovered during/after a battle, this move cannot be reused and the battle restarted from the beginning. If the move is used again, on purpose, accident or any other reason, you will be disqualified.
  • If you forget to equip your Key Stone and/or Mega Crystals/Z Crystals these can only be added back on for the next battle, your current battle or just completed battle won't be reset.
8. If you disconnect once, you have 5 minutes to join back. Failure to join after this will count as a disqualification.
9. Late and on the day entries will not be accepted unless stated otherwise.
10. Teams must be what you have given on your poképaste. Late changes to moves, pokémon, items etc. without permission is not allowed after submission dates are closed. The only exception to this is if the host has asked you to change something.
11. All information on your pokepaste team must be the same as your pokémon in-game. Not stating natures, evs, abilities, etc is equal to misinformation on your team and is unfair to others when these teams are released. Please make sure to enter the correct information. If found during the event, you will either be given the opportunity to fix this and be at a disadvantage or will be disqualified.
12. Must submit the team for review here. This must be done 2 days before at 12pm EDT (5pm UK Time). This has been pushed back by a day so teams can be properly checked and if necessary contact players who do have illegal teams.

Formats and Format Rules (Gen 8)
As the Generation 9 meta is not fully defined, we are currently utilizing the Generation 8 metas/Pokémon. We are awaiting the remaining Gen 9 pokémon being added to Pixelmon.
As Mirage League evolves over time, additional formats may be added. We'll update this list with relevant data should the formats update.

When fighting, apply these rules:
  • Level Cap to 50
  • Team Preview On
  • Sleep Clause
  • Full Heal Off

Warning: Extra Information
Please make sure you understand the following information as it is how Mirage League is conducted every month.
  • Breaking any server rules, or Mirage League rules, may lead to immediate disqualification at the hosts discretion.
  • In the event of a disconnection in the middle of a battle, at the hosts discretion you may be given another chance to continue the battle or to re-battle. If you disconnect a second time during battle, you will be disqualified.
  • If a player is not online when they are supposed to fight they will be disqualified. The tournament host decides this and may choose to do otherwise if they believe it is the right course of action.
  • All Pokémon in Mirage League will be leveled up to 50 automatically! (In LC it will be raised to level 5) You can bring Pokémon of any level.
  • It is important to sign up before 12PM EST 2 days before Mirage League is held, being late means you will get disqualified under host’s discretion.
  • Teams will be posted an hour before Mirage League starts. Use this as an opportunity to check whether teams are illegal or not - if something is illegal, do let ph0enixn0va or hosts know in discord so this can be corrected.
  • Once submissions have been closed we will be checking and making sure your teams are legal. If all teams are legal, any changes that Smogon makes that could cause something to become illegal will not be counted for this months event.

Any issues or concerns about Mirage League, please speak to staff in-game or on discord.
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Staff member
Wiki Editor
Event Coordinator
Here is the 4th May Gen 5 Monotype Mirage League Teams! Message me in-game or in discord if there is anything considered illegal.

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New member
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Wiki Editor
Here are the September 2024 Gen 9 UU ML Teams! Message me in-game or in discord if there is anything considered illegal.

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New member
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Wiki Editor
Here are the February 2025 Gen 6 Ubers ML Teams! Message me in-game or in Discord if there is anything considered illegal.

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