New member
Happy Holidays, Puny Mortals (and others of undefined life-spans)!!!
I, 600N, am hosting yet another event!
Of course, from the title, you can infer that the event I'm hosting is a
Secret Santa Event!
This was organised by ineb and 600n cuz im being forced to put my name down I, 600N, am hosting yet another event!
Of course, from the title, you can infer that the event I'm hosting is a
Secret Santa Event!
How this event will go:
- Reply to this post with your Username, Your Discord Username (so I can message you are giving a gift to), and three things you would want as a gift, your favorite things, what you like to do, or anything that would help your Secret Santa get the perfect gift for you! You have until 12/25/2022, 4pm EST to sign up!
- When you get sent the Username of the person you are giving the gift to (which should be very soon after the deadline to sign up), you can check the post to see what they wanted as a gift (you get to choose whether or not to base it on their list or not, btw)!
- Then, you have from Christmas Day (12/25/2022) to (7/1/2023) till the 7th of January to send/give your gift to your person! If you don't think you can get a gift in time for the deadline given, PLEASE HIT ME UP IN GAME OR ON DISCORD so I can do something to make sure everyone who signed up gets a gift!
Here is an example of an entry to this event, just in case:
Username: InebriationDiscord: Inebriation#9614
Three Things I Would Want: Dark Types (plushies or shinies, whatever), for everyone to refer to RandomMelonHere as Melon Mom, and World Domination
(or rather than listing what you want, you can be less specific and say what you like/stuff about you)
Three Things I Like: Dark Types, Cats, and Anime
If you don't have a discord, then just say so when replying to this post, and I'll ./mail who your Gift-Receiver is in-game.
If you are going to be late with getting a gift together for your Gift-ee, I can allow up to one extra week. Just tell me ahead of time so I don't go around telling people that you're a flake.
If you are going to be late with getting a gift together for your Gift-ee, I can allow up to one extra week. Just tell me ahead of time so I don't go around telling people that you're a flake.
Entering this Event Will give you a chance off Winning a Silver Key, 5,000 (Im broke sorry) Pokecoins as well as uhh a set of water stone Armour yea! as well as a LEGENDARY OF CHOICE. #sponsored by dt5oap
And if anyone asks, no I definitely did NOT just copy and paste this from last yea and fix the dates!!! thanks for the last Secret Santa event
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