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Secret Santa 1.16 time but late

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Username: NateAssault
Discord: NateAssault#0361
Three things I would want: Dirt, Dirt, Dirt
Three things I like: cheese, dogs, lion king :D


New member
Super Swagger
Username: Loopn
Discord: Loopn#5043
Wants: Shiny Machop-Machoke-Machamp pls, strong muscle
I like Machamp


New member
Username: NoobIvyGamer
Discord: Gru#8697
Three things I would want: money, a kewl dragon type mon that's above the level 30, balls (pokeballs).
Three things I like: money, SPHERICAL, lots of decorative blocks i'll probably dispose of to later regret it.


New member
Username: Shikisei
Discord: ✨ Shikisei#9438
Wants: Anything Eevee-related! Dyes! White/Light coloured woods!
Likes: Eevee!


New member
Username: VegaseNathan
3 things i Wants: A ditto , shiny umbreon , kyurem/zekrom or a random shiny /shiny key if no legendary
3 things i like : shrek , monkey , pokemon
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New member
Username: Its_Rhyme
Discord: Rhyme#8627
Three Things I Would Want: A Milotic or Popplio, dusk balls, a special palette pokemon (pink, seasonal, alter, shiny)
Three things I like: Fairy-type pokemon, colorful building blocks, pygmy-sized pokemon (cute little babies)


Staff member
Wiki Editor
Username: SnowBlitzz
Discord: *❄SnowBlitzz❄*#6150
Three Things I Would Want: blue bird, red birb, peach birb
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New member
Username: HugoBooi
Discord: Hugo#2806
Three things I would want: ha pokemon, removing breeding requirments, manpower to dig mountains/chop trees for crew team base
Three things I like: chimchar, monferno, infernape


New member
Username: esoRtraeHunaL
Discord: BradLord#4679
Three things I would like: Oddities, building supplies, and equipment


New member
Username: Vidavoid
Discord: MrCoffeeTime#5452
Three things I would want: A fortune pickaxe, waterstone shards or stones, lots of pine and oak logs.
Three things I like : Building in minecraft, Having good tools , fun pokemon to use.


New member
Staff member
Username: RandomMelonHere
Discord: RandomMelonHere#4954
Three things I would want: better breeding system, money, shulker shells or shulkers
Three things I like: Rockes' feet Rockes


New member
Username: Shadzerios
Discord: Shadzerios#4381
3 Things I Would Want:
  1. Level 5 XD001. Large.
  2. Soapstone. I use lots of it. ;-;
  3. Nether-related blocks for building.
3 Things I Would Like:
  • Tree samplings from each Overworld biomes.
  • Endstone. Lots of Endstone for an underground build.
  • Mending books? ?


New member
Username: Shadzerios
Discord: Shadzerios#4381
3 Things I Would Want:
  1. Level 5 XD001. Large.
  2. Soapstone. I use lots of it. ;-;
  3. Nether-related blocks for building.
3 Things I Would Like:
  • Tree samplings from each Overworld biomes.
  • Endstone. Lots of Endstone for an underground build.
  • Mending books? ?
uhh it's too late, for this sorry. lol the event has already started and is about to end by the 7th of jan sorry.
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