We host various competitive and non-competitive events on MirageCraft with tons of prizes, even some just for participating! Most are hosted on a regularly scheduled basis, but some are player-hosted on occasion and may only happen when someone feels like sponsoring them.
All Events will be announced through our Discord's "#events" channel, the #event-calendar, and in-game announcements. So if you wanna stay in the loop about all our Server Events, Join the Discord!
Monthly Events
Mirage League
Mirage League (ML) is the server's official 1v1 tournament held on the first weekend of every month. (The time may change monthly depending on circumstance, in which we will announce a week prior to the event. These announcements will be on our
Discord server and on the forums).
This tournament will be bracket-style and the battle formats can vary from month to month. The format of the tournament will be announced in-game, and on our Discord. All formats are pulled from Smogon.
Rules for the formats used can be found on the
monthly forum post for each ML tournament. All participants' teams will be posted on the forum just before the event begins so players will have time to form a strategy and check for any missed banned factors of each players teams.
This event rewards First Place with the
PokéVictor rank.
Random Battle Tournament
Random Battle Tournament is a pokémon battle event where you are given randomly created teams based on the events format. From nature to moves, everything is randomly given (with 1 guaranteed damaging move) and you have to use this team to try and win!
Seasonal Pokémon Sunday
Seasonal Pokémon are Pokémon that spawn with special particles and an increased IV percentage. On Seasonal Sunday, these Pokémon have a higher spawn rate! This can be a good way to catch more Pokémon to help start up a breeding pair to make battle-ready Pokémon or kill for the in-game PokeHunts.
Shiny Sunday
Shiny Sunday is where a Global 2x Shiny Spawn boost is activated on the server to increase shiny pokémon spawns. This is a good time to get out your lures, honey and go shiny hunting!
Double XP Weekend
Double XP Weekend is when all Pokémon will earn 2x the experience they normally do through battle. This is the optimal time to level any Pokémon you want to prep for tournaments or gyms!
Mini Events
Mini Events are staff hosted, all day events which gives you the opportunity to earn up to 3 Silver Keys! These range from Battling a Staff Member to Pokémon Trivia.
Pokémon Community Hunts
Community Hunts are typically started the 2nd week of every month. For this event, everyone on the server must kill or capture the type of Pokémon set as the Hunt's bounty and reach the Hunt Goal before the Hunt Expires. Community Hunts can be accessed in game via
/chunts .
You must participate towards the bounty in order to receive the Community Rewards for the Hunt.
Only a few people can obtain the top tier rewards as once the Hunt Goal is reached the Hunt will end! In a sense, it's almost like a race.
Guild Events
In relation to
Guilds, we host monthly events so players in Guilds can work together against other Guilds to try and earn Guild Stars! Events include Guild Wars, Alphabet Race and Pokémon Bingo.
Mirage Tower
The Mirage Tower is a custom built location that holds theme-based NPC Trainers you can battle each month for varied levels of rewards! Difficulty ranges from Common to Ultimate and you can see an example of rewards you can earn below.
Regular Events
These are events that are held regularly throughout the year, but not every month. Many of these events reward players with Ranks/Titles and other useful prizes.
Pokémon Snap
Pokémon Snap is the server's in-game photography contest. Each Snap contest has a given theme you must adhere to whilst taking screenshots of Pokémon in-game. Much like the actual game "Pokémon Snap", there are also different pieces of criteria for your screenshots to meet that can earn you more points. These include:
Pose, Size, Direction, Placement, Other Pokémon, and
In addition to placing in the Top 3 (or Top 5 if enough people compete), there are also Sub-Categories you can win rewards for, such as
Most Aesthetic, Most Creative, and
Most Starred (Viewers' Favorite).
This event rewards First - Third Place with the
PokéSnapper rank.
Build Competition
The Build Competition is an event where players must build some sort of structure or sculpture to match a given theme! All builds must be put together on the server without schematics or creative-mode. Multiple people can work on one build,
but only one person may claim a prize for said build. Pretty straightforward, right?
This event rewards First - Third Place with the
Builder rank.
Art Competition
Art Competitions are hosted every now and then and are of course, given a new theme each time. You will have about one month to complete your submission, so make sure to take your time and really refine your work.
Entries are judged based on creativity and visual appeal amongst other little details that make them unique. Use of color/shading, matching the theme, multiple characters, and visible effort will all help boost your score!
While we accept both Traditional and Digital Artwork, AI is prohibited in this competition.
This event rewards First - Third Place with the
PokéArtist rank.
Breeding Competition
For the Breeding Competition, you will be required to breed a particular Pokémon assigned to you. You will be required to breed a Pokémon with a particular Ability, Nature, Growth Size and Pokéball. For example: you may be asked to breed a Jolly Flash Fire Vulpix, with a small size in a Luxury Ball.
You may also breed an Egg move that will be given as part of the breed but this is not required - this is worth extra points though.
You will receive extra points for any shiny breeds that you obtain through breeding the specific pokémon.
The use of Scrolls, Mirage Crystals, Move Re-learners/Tutors, or any item that modifies/manipulates natures/abilities or IVs of a Pokémon are prohibited. All Pokémon must list you as the Original Trainer and cannot have been bred by anyone else other than you.
This event rewards First - Third Place with the
PokéBreeder rank.
Fishing Competition
If you are not sure what a Fishing Competition is, this is where you catch as many of a particular Pokémon as you can in the 1 hour time limit. Shiny versions of target Pokémon, and versions of the Pokémon with Hidden Abilities, are worth 2 points! The designated Pokémon to catch will be announced the day of the competition.
All Fishing must be done with a rod, meaning no catching Pokémon that spawn in the over-world on their own. Additionally, the use of Lures is not allowed.
This event rewards First - Third Place with the
PokéAngler rank.
Bug Catching Contest
Bug Catching Contest is similar to Fishing Comp where instead of fishing up pokémon you're hunting for bug type pokémon within 1 hour that spawn in the wild! Shiny versions of target Pokémon, and versions of the Pokémon with Hidden Abilities, are worth 2 points! The designated Pokémon to catch will be announced the day of the competition.
This event rewards First - Third Place with the
PokéNetter rank.
Speed Building Competition
The Speed Building Competition requires you to race against other players to make Pixel Art of a given Pokémon! All contestants will be given a chest with the EXACT amount of materials you will need to put together the art based off the reference image that will be given through Discord.
Players will be given access to
/fly for the duration of the Competition.
You can build as a duo with one other teammate, but your rewards will be shared between the two of you!
Writing Competition
The Writing Competition is currently suspended due to use of AI.
This event rewarded First - Third Place with the
PokéWriter rank.
Other Events
Many of the following events are new or player sponsored.
If you have an event idea you'd like to see hosted on the server feel free to talk to NateAssault, ph0enixn0va, another staff member or use our Forums/Suggestions sections on Discord.
Ace Tournament
Every now and then players or staff may host a tournament where the 1st Place reward is a rank! Ace Rank is typically the one given out as it gives the player access to the
/fly command.
This tournament is only available to those who do not have Ace Rank or higher.
Rainbow Rally
Rainbow Rally is a tournament where participants have to catch 6 wild Pokémon of different specified colors of the rainbow to battle. The colors are
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Violet. No duplicate colors, no duplicate Pokemon!
This is meant to be a less "competitive" tournament, meaning the Pokémon used are limited in how strong they can be. To give casual players a better chance at winning.
Tiny Tournament
The Tiny Tournament is a tournament hosted by
TinyKawaii. All Pokemon used in this tournament are Stage 1 Evolution Pokemon, and are decidedly "smol". Similar to Small League, but with more options!
This is meant to be a less "competitive" tournament, meaning the Pokemon used are limited in how strong they can be. To give casual players a better chance at winning.
Scavenger Hunts
Every now and then the server will host a scavenger hunt! This can be for items, NPCs, or certain Pokémon. Rewards will vary depending on the purpose of the event.
Small League
Small League is a battle tournament in which all competitors are required to only use Starters! You will be given a set amount of time to train your Starters on
/warp MirageIsland.
You may choose one Pokemon to help with the leveling, but said Pokemon cannot be used in the tournament. It is strictly there to help level your Starters.
No exp enhancers like Exp Share, Lucky Eggs, Exp Melons, Boosters, and no TM's are to be used to increase your exp gain.
PVP Event
PVP Event is a 1V1 Tournament style battle event against other players. With various levels of weapons and armour, battle against your opponents to see who is the PVP Champion!