Claiming land is important to protect your builds and property! If you do not claim your land and somebody griefs your property and/or steals from you, you are liable for the damage caused and we will not replace any stolen items or griefed blocks.
The server uses
Grief Defender plugin to claim land. You can check out their awesome documentation by googling the plugin, or read our QuickStart guide specific for MirageCraft here!
Claiming Land
Claiming your land prevents griefers from ruining your builds or stealing your items (This is, of course, against the rules, but it's better to prevent it from happening in the first place). The knowledge of how to do so is a necessity on this server, which will be discussed on this page.
Step 1: Find the area you wish to claim
Once you have selected the area you wish to protect (either your build or a place you want to create a build) then you can start to claim it!
Step 2: Readying the Golden Shovel
The next step to prepare is to get out your
Golden Land Claiming Shovel. Every player spawns with one in their starting inventory - try not to lose it!
Once you have it in your hand, you should get a message stating how many
claim blocks you have.
Claim blocks are the amount of blocks you have available for you to protect.
Each player starts with
100 claim blocks for basic needs, but they are easily earned simply by being on the server. You gain 10 claim blocks for every ten minutes you spend on MirageCraft. If your golden shovel breaks or you lose it, you can just craft a normal golden shovel and use that.
Step 3: Claiming your Area
Next, you have to actually claim your land. Be aware that your claim size must be at least 5x5 blocks, or the claim will not work.
First, choose one corner of the desired area, and right-click on it. A diamond block should appear to indicate the selected corner.
Next, navigate to the opposite corner of your build, while keeping the golden shovel still in hand.
Letting go of the shovel forces you to restart the claiming process.
Once you've selected these corners, the claim should be surrounded by glowstone and gold to indicate where the border of your claim is.
Now you no longer have to worry about griefing! To make your chest private, make sure it is placed inside your claim. Claims extend from where you claimed to build height and to expand down to bedrock, so no worries about anyone messing with your stuff!
Checking Land
To check if an area is claimed or not, right-click a block in an area with a Stick. If the area is claimed, you will see the claim's borders along with a chat message. Alternatively, you can also use the command
/claiminfo for some extra details as well. Note that if it says the claim name is wilderness, the area is not claimed.
Claim Subdivisions
Subdivisions act the same as basic claims except these do not have a minimum size. To begin subdividing a claim, type
/subdivideclaims with the claiming shovel your hand. Click just like you did to create a claim within the claim to create a subdivision.
Subdivisions are useful for giving different people different levels of access to certain areas. To grant levels of access to subdivisions, stand in the subdivision and use the permission commands.
Trusting Other Players
Another ability you have over your new claim is that you can
trust your friends and give them certain permissions within your claim. There are 4 levels of trust that you could give to someone, being
Accessors, Builders, Containers, and Managers.
BE AWARE: Using public accessor commands means people have access to picking up plushies in your claim.
- Accessor: Have access to open doors, trapdoors, use levers, buttons, and beds. To give someone Accessor trust, type /trust playername accessor
- Container: Have access to opening chests, droppers, dispensers, etc., in addition to Accessor roles. To give someone container trust, type /trust playername container
- Builders: Can place and break blocks within your claim, in addition to Container roles. To give someone builder trust, type /trust playername
- Managers: Can do everything in a claim except delete the claim, which is something only the Claim Owner can do. This includes trusting/untrusting someone, changing the claim greeting/farewell message, changing the claim's name, etc. Managers also have all the permissions other ranks have. Be careful when giving this rank in your claim, as the provided power can easily be abused. To give someone manager trust, type /trust playername manager
Similarly, you can do
/untrust playername or
/untrustall to remove players' trust permissions on your claim.
Claim Names and Greetings
Now we can discuss the fun extras of your claim, including naming it and adding entrance and exit messages. Note that for these actions, you could use the Minecraft color codes to add some personal flare to your claim.
To name your claim, type
/claimdisplayname. Your claim's name will display in
/claiminfo. You could also use colors! Check
/infocolor to see what colors they are and how to use them.
To implement a greeting message, type
/claimgreeting message The message you type here will be displayed every time a player enters your claim.
For example - /claimgreeting &9its &cdnite &ftime &e
To implement a farewell message, type
/claimfarewell message. The message you type here will be displayed every time a player exits your claim.
For example - /claimfarewell &bno &3more &9shark &1time &0
Claim Limit and Claim Blocks
By default, each player has 10 total claims and can receive up to 100,000 claim blocks. You can also check more information on certain claims using the command
/playerinfo. You can increase this to 25 claim plots and 250k claim blocks by spending pokecoins in game with the command
/upgradeclaimlimit or through
You can also buy more claim blocks on the
donation store.
Other Commands
There's a couple other commands that can be used with claims. These include:
- /claimexpand <amount> - Used to expand your claim in the direction you're facing. Amount means how many blocks you want to expand by.
- /transferblocks playername <amount> - Command to send other players your own claim blocks