There are 18 different gyms on the MirageCraft server, all of which have 4 difficulties to challenge you taking on these gyms. Those difficulties being: Basic, Standard, Advanced and Nightmare.
Water Gym
You can access all of the gyms using the command /gymsplus information on the rules and clauses. Furthermore, you can view which gyms you've already defeated using the command /badges
Gym UI
Tiers Information, Gym Rules & Clauses
Our gyms are run by NPCs and due to their abusable AI, there are rules and clauses set in place in order to give players a more challenging and eventful gym battle, and to prevent players from easily sweeping through them with cheap strategies. The mentioned clauses have been tested and are reasonably held, but could be subject to change in the future.
The five tiers Basic, Standard, Advanced,Nightmare andPlayer all have different rewards for defeating the gyms, and they get progressively better as you challenge the harder gym leaders.
Minimum Level
For the first 12 Basic gyms, your pokemon must be between a level cap starting from 20-40. For all following gyms after Basic Ghost Gym, there is a minimum level of level 70.
Battle Clauses
Baton Pass 1 Clause – Only one Pokémon is allowed to have the move Baton Pass.
Sleep Clause – You cannot put more than one Pokémon on the opposition team to sleep at one time.
Endless Battle Clause – You can not intentionally force the battle to never end.
Species Clause – Your Pokémon must be unique and must not share the same National Dex number.
Banned Abilities
Wonder Guard
Serene Grace
Arena Trap
Shadow Tag
Banned Moves
Endeavor, Counter, Mirror Coat, Final Gambit, Destiny Bond, Swagger
Trick, Switcheroo, Bestow, Fling
Sheer Cold, Horn Drill, Guillotine, Fissure
Double Team, Minimize
Leniencies for Basic Gyms
To help everyone that's new to battling, some of the rules that apply to all the gyms are not applicable to the Basic gyms. These rules are as follows and you may use these in the Basic gyms at any time:
Shadow Tag
Arena Trap
Baton Pass 1 Clause
Basic Gyms
For defeating the Basic tier, you can win yourself the Challenger title!
Rewards for defeating every Basic gym are:
Weak Lure that corresponds to gym type
4 Pokéballs - (First 6 gyms only- it becomes 8 Pokeballs for the remaining 12)
4 S EXP Candies (First 6 gyms only - it becomes 8 S EXP Candies for the remaining 12)
400 Pokécoins (First 6 gyms only - it becomes 600 pokecoins for the remaining 12)
Bronze Key
Basic Gyms Pokémon
Basic Rock Gym
Basic Water Gym
Basic Electric Gym
Basic Grass Gym
Basic Poison Gym
Basic Psychic Gym
Basic Fire Gym
Basic Ground Gym
Basic Flying Gym
Basic Bug Gym
Basic Normal Gym
Basic Ghost Gym
Basic Fighting Gym
Basic Steel Gym
Basic Ice Gym
Basic Dragon Gym
Basic Dark Gym
Basic Fairy Gym
Standard Gyms
For defeating the Standard tier, you can win yourself the Duelist rank!
Rewards for defeating every Standard gym are:
Type enhancing items which correspond to gym type
4 Great Balls
4 M EXP Candies
800 Pokécoins
Silver Key
Standard Gyms Pokémon
Standard Rock Gym
Standard Water Gym
Standard Electric Gym
Standard Grass Gym
Standard Poison Gym
Standard Psychic Gym
Standard Fire Gym
Standard Ground Gym
Standard Flying Gym
Standard Bug Gym
New team is Kleavor, Mega Pinsir, Araquanid, Armaldo, Orbeetle, and Durant. Unable to update the card as the website is down. Sorry for inconvenience
Standard Normal Gym
Standard Ghost Gym
Standard Fighting Gym
Standard Steel Gym
Standard Ice Gym
Standard Dragon Gym
Standard Dark Gym
Standard Fairy Gym
Advanced Gyms
For defeating the Advanced tier, you can win yourself the Strategist rank!
Rewards for defeating every Advanced gym are:
TM that corresponds to gym type
4 Ultra Balls
4 L EXP Candies
1 Hour EXP Melon Booster
2000 Pokécoins
Gold Key
Advanced Gyms Pokémon
Advanced Rock Gym
Advanced Water Gym
Advanced Electric Gym
Advanced Grass Gym
Advanced Poison Gym
Advanced Psychic Gym
Advanced Fire Gym
Advanced Ground Gym
Advanced Flying Gym
Advanced Bug Gym
Advanced Normal Gym
Advanced Ghost Gym
Advanced Fighting Gym
Advanced Steel Gym
Advanced Ice Gym
Advanced Dragon Gym
Advanced Dark Gym
Advanced Fairy Gym
Nightmare Gyms
For defeating the Nightmare tier, you can win yourself the PokéAnalyst rank!
Rewards for defeating every Nightmare gym are:
TM that corresponds to gym type
TR that corresponds to gym type
8 Ultra Balls
2 XL EXP Candies
2 Hour EXP Melon Booster
4000 Pokécoins
2 Gold Keys
Nightmare Gyms Pokémon
It's important to note that the Nightmare gyms have similar pokémon if not the same as the Advanced gyms, with an increased difficulty level.
Nightmare Rock Gym
Nightmare Water Gym
Nightmare Electric Gym
Nightmare Grass Gym
Nightmare Poison Gym
Nightmare Psychic Gym
Nightmare Fire Gym
Nightmare Ground Gym
Nightmare Flying Gym
Nightmare Bug Gym
Nightmare Normal Gym
Nightmare Ghost Gym
Nightmare Fighting Gym
Nightmare Steel Gym
Nightmare Ice Gym
Nightmare Dragon Gym
Nightmare Dark Gym
Nightmare Fairy Gym
Tips and Strategies
These gyms are harder than before especially as you reach Advanced gyms onwards. Prepare accordingly as they will not mess around and will defeat you if you go in without a plan.
Use healing items to help you. If you are really struggling to recover health against a Pokémon then utilize items such as potions and berries to give your Pokémon that chance of a comeback. You're allowed to use up to 2 of each type of healing or reviving item during the gym battles. This can help you to finalize a win. Furthermore, you can also use battle items such as Focus Sash and Choice Scarf on your Pokémon too.
EV Train. By going to /warp evtraining you can train your Pokémon's effort values and increase their battling potential by giving them an edge in battling. We highly encourage you use them. Your Pokémon do not need to have perfect IVs to beat the gyms but EVs are a must if you wish to compete against the Advanced or Nightmare gyms.
Level train. Go to Mirage Island by using the command /warp mirageisland and train your Pokémon. More information on Mirage Island can be found here.[/spoiler]
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