One special item we have in MirageCraft are
Mirage Crystals. These can be used in our pokébuilder menu, or
/pb in-game, to change stats, size, palettes and many more features of pokémon.
When you first open the pokébuilder menu, you are given this UI. It shows the Pokémon currently in your party you can edit and the middle shows how many Mirage Crystals you have in your inventory.
Once you select the pokémon you'd like to edit you are shown this menu. Things you can edit on pokémon are:
- Max Level - Can increase the level to 100
- Ability Editor - Can change the Pokémon's current ability
- Nature Editor - Can change the Pokémon's current nature
- Gender Swap- Can change the nature to female/male
- Shininess - Can make a pokémon shiny or remove the effect
- Palette Editor - Can change the palette type of the pokémon. This includes custom palettes added from pixelmon and we have custom palettes from previous BattlePass events as well
- Ribbon Editor - Can add/change the ribbon and mark the pokémon has
- Move Editor - Can add a move to your pokémon only from TMs
- Growth Editor - Can change the size of the pokémon
- Dynamax Level Editor - Can change the dynamax level to 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10
- Pokéball Editor - Can change the pokeball the pokémon appears to be in
- IVs/EVs Editor - Can change the IVs and EVs of the pokémon
- Friendship Editor - Can change pokémon friendship
Here you can change the pokémon's ability to its non-HA variant or its HA.
For a non-HA ability change is costs 2 Mirage Crystal.
For a HA ability change is costs 5 Mirage Crystals.
Here you can change the nature of the pokémon. This costs 5 Mirage Crystals.
Here you can change a Pokémon's gender to male or female. This costs 2-3 Mirage Crystals depending on the pokemon.
Here you can add or remove the shiny palette to a pokémon.
To make shiny it costs 5 Mirage Crystals.
To remove the shiny palette, it costs 2 Mirage Crystals.
Here you can change the palette of the pokémon if available. All changes cost 5 Mirage Crystals.
Here you can add or change the ribbon/mark that your pokémon has. This costs 2 Mirage Crystals
Move Tutor
Here you can add a TR move to your pokémon. Adding a move to your pokémon costs 1 Mirage Crystal for Levelup move, 2 for TM Moves, 3 for Egg, Transfer and Tutor moves.
Here you can change the size of your pokémon from microscopic to ginormous. This costs either 2 or 4 Mirage Crystals depending on the size change.
This allows you to change the ball the pokémon was caught in. This costs overall 1 Mirage Crystal with the GS and Strange Ball costing 2 Mirage Crystals and Park, Origin and Master Ball costing 3 Mirage Crystals.
IVs/EVs Editor
Here you can change a pokémons IV stat to 0, 30 or 31 for 5 Mirage Crystals each, dittos costing 7 Mirage Crystals per stat.
You can also reset the pokémons EVs for 1 mirage Crystal.
Confirming Changes
After each change, you decide to make you will get a confirmation screen. Hovering over the green check mark will show you the cost and the change you make.
After Hitting confirm the change will be made immediately and Mirage Crystals taken from your inventory.