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Player Warps

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    Player Warps (or pwarps) are warps created by players! Simple as that. These are usually Biomes, Plateaus for spawning Pokemon, Houses, Builds, or Chest Shops. Here we will go over how the /pwarps menu works and what all you can use it for.​

    Player Warp Menu

    To access the menu, simply use /pwarps. This will bring up a menu with several categories of warps for you to look through.


    From left to right they are Favorites, All, Shops, Biomes, Houses, Others, and Last Visited. Below those are "Featured" warps. These are warps players have paid to have put up on the menu's main page.

    Creating/Managing a Player Warp

    You can make a player warp from the
    /pwarps menu. Click the Eye of Ender (All Warps) icon, then go to the bottom of the next menu and click the Ender Pearl (My Warps) icon. Click the Ender Pearl again to create a Warp. Creating a warp costs 2000 PokeCoins, and is non-refundable. Make sure you're holding the item you want to use as the Warp icon. This item will not be consumed, meaning you get to keep it after you make the warp.


    Just follow the instructions that appear in your chat and you'll have your warp created. But there's more you can do!

    In the "My Warps" menu, you can click on your warp to edit it. The icons here are straightforward and will tell you what they're for if you hover over them. These include: Description, Cost, Category, Icon, Renaming, Ownership Transfer, Removal, and Banned Players.


    Advertising Your Warp

    Aside from sometimes letting people know they can buy things they're looking for at your shop via chat, you can also put your warp up on the front page of the Player Warps menu.

    To do so, simply use /pwarps to open the menu. Click on one of the Nether Star icons. Featuring your Warp costs 800 PokeCoins, and will need to be repurchased every 5 days.



    Once you've done this, Type the name of your warp into the chat. If you did it right, it will tell you.


    Advertising on signs

    You can also advertise your and others pwarps on signs! On a sign type [pwarp] on the first line then the name of the pwarp on the second line. Below you can see this on a sign.


    When promoting on signs, I recommend using a darker wooded sign, like spruce or dark oak. Below is an example how how the sign looks one the command is submitted, displaying the highlighted text and how it's easy to see on a darker background.
