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Quick Start Guide

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    Leaving Spawn/RTP

    Once you've completed the tutorial and acquired your starter you should now have access to basic server commands! You are now free to leave spawn by using /rtp. This will teleport you to a random location outside of spawn within a set radius. Most of this land will already have been visited and used by players, so if you want a more ideal location to build your home you'll have to adventure further out into the world. You can do this by foot, or by flying/riding on the back of a pokemon to travel faster.

    Claiming Land

    If you've found a place you'd like to call home you can claim an plot of land with the golden shovel in your inventory. Visit our Claiming Land page to see exactly how to do so, and various other commands that can help you claim land.

    It's important to know the land must not already be claimed by another player and must not be in the Resource World, Nether, or End. Land can not be claimed in these areas and your home and belongings will not be protected from other players! To check if you're in the correct realm, use F3 on your keyboard. Below where it says "Chunk Cache" if it says anything other than "overworld" you CANNOT claim here. If it says "overworld" but you still can't claim, you either are on claimed land, trying to overlap a claimed land, or do not have enough claim blocks.

    Claim Enabled World/Realm​
    Not a Claim Enabled World/Realm​

    Once you have claimed your land, make sure to use /sethome HomeName ! If you do not and you teleport away or leave, you may not be able to return to your home easily. If you have teleported away from your home, you can try to use /back to return. This will only work if your home was the last place you RTP'd from.

    If you need more /sethomes you can always buy unlimited homes on the Donator Store, or buy a rank for a few more. You can also buy more claim blocks if need be!

    Getting Food

    Once you have found a home, the easiest way for you to get food is to punch some grass to get some wheat seeds. Build yourself a farm using a hoe, and make sure water is nearby.

    Another option is to go out and start battling Pokemon that drop food items. Visit our Getting Food page for lists of Pokemon drops.

    There are also some /pwarp locations that offer food for a price.

    Getting Money

    There are various ways to earn money. The most common methods include:
    • Daily voting - /vote
    • Selling items on the GTS - /gts
    • Completing rows or columns in Pokemon Bingo - /bingo
    • Completing PokeHunts - /phunts
    • Gyms - /gyms
    • Chest Shops - /pwarps
    For more details on each method, visit our Getting Money page.

    Getting Materials

    New to Minecraft? Start by punching some trees for wood, create the basic tools (Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel) using a crafting bench, then just dig and mine to find materials. The lower down you dig the better materials you will find. You will start to come across some materials that aren't in vanilla Minecraft such as platinum, this is used to create bases for Pokeballs.

    Another good Material to collect would be Apricorns! These are used to craft lids to Pokeballs. You can find Apricorns in the wild or at certain /pwarps. To collect them, make sure your hand is empty and then right click the leaves. No need to break them!

    Some materials can only be found in the nether and end, you can reach these places by entering the following commands:
    • Nether - /warp nether
    • End - /warp end

    Once you have warped, do /rtp to teleport yourself to a random location.

    Extra Tips

    When you first start playing on the server, some of your keybinds will not be set up, such as descending. This is crucial when you have a flying Pokémon that can carry you on its back. Before jumping on their back, make sure you have the descending keybind added so that you can safely land without dying.

    Another keybind to check would be the one used to "Throw Pokemon". This is typically bound to R, but if you can't send out your Pokemon you probably have this key bound to something else.

    It's always good practice to go through your keybind settings to ensure that everything you think you need is set. All keybinds can be found in your Options menu!

    Try get yourself a Shulker Box as soon as you can. You can store your Pokeballs in it and still have access to them when catching Pokemon in battles, freeing up inventory space.