What Are Summoning Shards?
Summoning Shards are a way for you to obtain expensive or rare Pokémon without spending all your PokéCoins on
GTS. Shards can be earned from
battle pass,
playtime rewards, answering in-game trivia and
Once you get a certain amount of shards, then you can summon the Pokémon that shard correlates to! For example, if you collect 700 Lunala Shards, you can summon a Lunala in front of you!
There are also Universal Shards that can be used to summon any type of Pokémon, but its
4x the price for Legendary Pokémon. That Lunala mentioned earlier would be 2800 Universal Shards rather than the original price of 700 Lunala Shards. To see what shards you currently have or to summon a Pokémon you can run
/shards or
/sh to bring up a GUI that will show all the different types of Pokémon (There are 16 in total) and then a seperate tab for legendaries.
Switching betweeen universal shards and specific legendary shards. Lets say you wanted to summon the as mentioned Lunala you would go to the Red Pokeball outline and then find it on page 4. It costs 700 Specific Pokemon shards and if you middle click you can swap to Universal Shards, this then costing 2800 Universal Shards.
Viewing your own shards. Want to see how many shards you have? If you do
/sh or
/shards, you can see at the bottom left. Your Shards case from here you can view all Legendary Shards you own as well as your universal shards amount.
Fragmentizing legends
Let's say you have multiple legendaries of the same type you can then turn them back into shards, with fragmentizing. To fragmentize a legend this can be found on the bottom right hand side in the main menu of
/shards, when you fragmentize a legend you recieve 40% of the Summon cost for fragmentizing a Pokemon into it's own shard or 30% for legendary Shards and or 25% universal shards of the Pokemon's original worth.
Once clicked the fragmentized button you will be led to a GUI, with all of your current party. From here you can select the legendary pokemon that you would like to fragmentize. From there you can select weather you want the Pokemon specific shard, universal shards or legendary shards.
Once you have confirmed you will then get a chat prompt, letting you know how many shards you have extracted from the legendary pokemon of choice.
Transferring Shards
You can now sell, trade and give away to people your own shards that you have collected to do this you can do
/shards transfer playername <shard type> amount or
/sh transfer playername <shard type> amount. Once doing this command, a GUI will show confirming the details and allowing you to confirm or deny the trade.
Cost of Shards
Certain legends give different amount of shards back. Here's a table showing how much each legend can give for the different shard types.
Pokémon | Regular Shard Cost | Universal Shard Cost | Regular Shard Extract | Universal Shard Extract | Legendary Shard Extract |
Articuno | 300 | 1200 | 120 | N/A | N/A |
Zapdos | 375 | 1500 | 150 | N/A | N/A |
Moltres | 300 | 1200 | 120 | N/A | N/A |
Mewtwo | 850 | 3400 | 340 | 850 | 1020 |
Mew | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Raikou | 350 | 1400 | 140 | 350 | 420 |
Entei | 350 | 1400 | 140 | 350 | 420 |
Suicune | 400 | 1600 | 160 | 400 | 480 |
Lugia | 550 | 2200 | 220 | 550 | 660 |
Ho-oh | 550 | 2200 | 220 | 550 | 660 |
Celebi | 350 | 1400 | 140 | 350 | 420 |
Regirock | 350 | 1400 | 140 | 350 | 420 |
Regice | 350 | 1400 | 140 | 350 | 420 |
Registeel | 375 | 1500 | 150 | 375 | 450 |
Kyogre | 750 | 3000 | 300 | 750 | 900 |
Groudon | 750 | 3000 | 300 | 750 | 900 |
Rayquaza | 850 | 3400 | 340 | 850 | 1020 |
Latias | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Latios | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Jirachi | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Deoxys | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Uxie | 350 | 1400 | 140 | 350 | 420 |
Mesprit | 350 | 1400 | 140 | 350 | 420 |
Azelf | 350 | 1400 | 140 | 350 | 420 |
Dialga | 700 | 2800 | 280 | 700 | 840 |
Palkia | 700 | 2800 | 280 | 700 | 840 |
Giratina | 700 | 2800 | 280 | 700 | 840 |
Heatran | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Regigigas | 400 | 1600 | 160 | 400 | 480 |
Shaymin (w/ Gracidea) | 575 | 2300 | 230 | 575 | 690 |
Cresselia | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Phione | 200 | 800 | 80 | N/A | N/A |
Manaphy | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Darkrai | 550 | 2200 | 220 | 550 | 660 |
Arceus | 850 | 3400 | 340 | 850 | 1020 |
Victini | 550 | 2200 | 220 | 550 | 660 |
Cobalion | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Terrakion | 550 | 2200 | 220 | 550 | 660 |
Virizion | 450 | 1800 | 180 | 450 | 540 |
Keldeo | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Tornadus | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Thundurus | 550 | 2200 | 220 | 550 | 660 |
Landorus | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Reshiram | 650 | 2600 | 260 | 650 | 780 |
Zekrom | 650 | 2600 | 260 | 650 | 780 |
Kyurem | 550 | 2200 | 220 | 550 | 660 |
Meloetta | 350 | 1400 | 140 | 350 | 420 |
Genesect | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Xerneas | 750 | 3000 | 300 | 750 | 900 |
Yveltal | 700 | 2800 | 280 | 700 | 840 |
Zygarde | 700 | 2800 | 280 | 700 | 840 |
Diancie | 550 | 2200 | 220 | 550 | 660 |
Hoopa | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Volcanion | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Type: Null | 350 | 1400 | 140 | 350 | 420 |
Silvally | 350 | 1400 | 140 | 350 | 420 |
Tapu Koko | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Tapu Lele | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Tapu Bulu | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Tapu Fini | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Cosmog | 700 | 2800 | 280 | 700 | 840 |
Cosmoem | 700 | 2800 | 280 | 700 | 840 |
Solgaleo | 700 | 2800 | 280 | 700 | 840 |
Lunala | 700 | 2800 | 280 | 700 | 840 |
Necrozma | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Magearna | 650 | 2600 | 260 | 650 | 780 |
Marshadow | 650 | 2600 | 260 | 650 | 780 |
Zeraora | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Nihilego | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Buzzwole | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Pheromosa | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Xurkitree | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Celesteela | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Kartana | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Guzzlord | 400 | 1600 | 160 | 400 | 480 |
Poipole | 650 | 2600 | 260 | 650 | 780 |
Naganadel | 650 | 2600 | 260 | 650 | 780 |
Stakataka | 400 | 1600 | 160 | 400 | 480 |
Blacephalon | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Meltan | 550 | 2200 | 220 | 550 | 660 |
Melmetal | 550 | 2200 | 220 | 550 | 660 |
Zacian | 850 | 3400 | 340 | 850 | 1020 |
Zamazenta | 700 | 2800 | 280 | 700 | 840 |
Eternatus | 700 | 2800 | 280 | 700 | 840 |
Galarian Articuno | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Galarian Zapdos | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Galarian Moltres | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Kubfu | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Urshifu Single Strike Style | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Urshifu Rapid Strike Style | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Zarude | 500 | 2000 | 200 | 500 | 600 |
Regieleki | 550 | 2200 | 220 | 550 | 660 |
Regidrago | 550 | 2200 | 220 | 550 | 660 |
Glastrier | 550 | 2200 | 220 | 550 | 660 |
Spectier | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Calyrex (w/ Reins of Unity) | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Enamorus (w/ Reveal Glass) | 550 | 2200 | 220 | 550 | 660 |
Iron Leaves | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Walking Wake | 700 | 2800 | 280 | 700 | 840 |
Chien-Pao | 700 | 2800 | 280 | 700 | 840 |
Chi-Yu | 700 | 2800 | 280 | 700 | 840 |
Ting-Lu | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Wo-Chien | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Koraidon | 750 | 3000 | 300 | 750 | 900 |
Miraidon | 750 | 3000 | 300 | 750 | 900 |
Okidogi | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Munkidori | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Fezandipiti | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |
Ogerpon | 600 | 2400 | 240 | 600 | 720 |