MirageCraft includes 14 unique skills that slowly level up depending on things you do. This can be seen in
This menu includes:
BattlePass info - more information
Leaderboards - shows the top 7 players for each skills available.
Skills and Abilities (middle icon) - shows you your skills and progress.
Experience Boosts - shows global experience boosts.
Settings - to toggle/untoggle messages from skills
This menu shows off the 14 skills available: Battling, Catching, Breeding, Training, Fishing, Herbalism, Exploring, Acrobatics, Woodcutting, Mining, Excavation, Crafting, Smelting and Salvaging.
Passive skills once unlocked increase as your skill level increases.
Bindable skills requires you to bind the unlocked skill to a related item.
Toggleable skills are designed to be enabled or disabled.
Battling experience is gained by defeating pokémon and trainers.
These skills include:
- 5 - Experienced Battler - Passive ability to earn more experience
- 25 - First Aid - Passive ability that has an increasing chance to revive a pokémon if fainted from a battle.
- 50 - Battle Cry - Bindable ability to restore the HP and PP of your party.
- 100 - Silver Tongue - Passive Ability to earn more pokécoins after battles.
Catching experience is gained from catching pokémon.
These skills include:
- 5 - Experienced Catching - Passive Ability to improve catch rate.
- 25 - Humanitarian Capture - Passive Ability that heals and increases friendship of caught pokémon.
- 50 - Keen Eye - Passive Ability that increases the IVs of caught pokémon.
- 100 - All That Glitters - Passive Ability that improves shiny pokémon spawn rates.
Breeding Experience is gained from hatching pokémon eggs.
These skills include:
- 5 - Experienced Breeding - Passive Ability that reduces daycare breeding time as your level increases.
- 25 - Incubator - Passive Ability that improves hatch rate.
- 50 - Double Yolk - Passive Ability that gives a chance for 2 eggs to appear from one breeding cycle.
- 100 - CRISPR - Passive Ability that improves IVs and shiny chances in breeding.
Training Experience is gained from levelling up your pokémon.
These skills include:
- 5 - I Wanna Be The Very Best - Passive Ability that pokémon have a chance to retain some experience as they level up.
- 50 - Like No-one Ever Was - Toggled Ability that doubles EV's gained.
- 100 - To Catch Them Is My Real Test - Passive Ability that increases experience gained.
- 150 - To Train Them Is My Cause - Passive Ability that increases the chance for pokémon to gain an IV point when levelled up.
Fishing Experience is gained from any successful catch (Pixelmon and normal Minecraft fishing).
These skills include:
- 5 - Luck Of The Sea - Passive Ability that improves drops and encounter rate.
- 10 - Ice Fishing - Passive Ability that creates a whole in the ice if fishing on a frozen area.
- 25 - Open Seas - Allows you to store and access a boat.
- 75 - Waterbreathing - Passive Ability that allows you to breathe underwater.
- 125 - Pickpocket Angling - Chance to take items from pokémon when encountered.
Herbalism Experience is gained from tending to apricorns, berries and crops.
These skills include:
- 5 - Circle Of The Spores - Ability to use mushrooms to make mycelium.
- 25 - Circle Of The Moon - Passive Ability that increases harvest amount at night.
- 50 - Circle Of The Land - Bindable Ability that fertilises all crops in an area,
- 200 - Timeless Body - Passive Ability that disables your requirement of air and food.
Exploring Experience is gained from exploring.
These skills include:
- 5 - GPS - Bindable Skill that gives you information on the surrounding area.
- 25 - Camping Equipment - Bindable Skill that summons a pack of camping equipment.
- 50 - World Traveller - Bindable Skill that increases movement speed for a period of time.
- 100 - Expeditious Retreat - Passive Ability that gives you benefits near your spawn point.
Acrobatics Experience is gained from taking fall damage.
These skills include:
- 5 - Acrobat - Passive Ability that negates some fall damage.
- 50 - Resilience - Passive Ability that makes you immune to poison and reduces physical damage.
- 100 - Long Jump - Bindable Ability that makes you jump further.
- 125 - High Jump - Bindable Ability that makes you jump higher.
Woodcutting Experience is gained from cutting down trees.
These skills include:
- 5 - Timber's Touch - Bindable Skill that gives you haste and speed for a period of time.
- 25 - Defoliate - Passive Ability that allows you to destroy leaves immediately.
- 50 - Perfect Chop - Passive Ability that drops crafted wooden items when cutting wood.
- 75 - Wood Stripper - Shift to destroy parts of a tree in one go.
- 125 - Tree Feller - Activated skill that destroys a tree in one go.
Mining Experience is gained from mining ores, gems and materials.
These skills include:
- 5 - Miner's Madness - Bindable Skill that gives you haste and speed for a period of time.
- 25 - Experienced Miner - Passive Ability that increases experienced gained from mining.
- 50 - Magnetic Field - Bindable Skill that picks up the items in a radius.
- 75 - Vein Miner - Shift to destroy parts of an ore vein in one go
- 150 - Perfect Extraction - Passive Ability that allows you to mine resource blocks instead of individual resources.
Excavation Experience is gained from digging up land.
These skills include:
- 5 - Digger's Delve - Bindable Skill that gives you haste and speed for a period of time.
- 25 - Careful Touch - Passive Ability that reduces durability loss.
- 50 - Landscaping - Bindable Ability that destroys grass, dirt, sand and gravel around you for a period of time.
- 75 - Layer By Layer - Shift to break the top layer of grass, mycelium or snow.
- 150 - Extractinator - Causes a shoveled block to drop many times more its normal drop.
Crafting Experience is gained from creating items.
These skills include:
- 25 - Bound Crafting Table - Allows you to store and summon a crafting table.
- 50 - Experienced Crafting - Passive Ability where certain items give more experience.
- 100 - Twinned Craft - Passive Ability where a crafted item has a chance to double.
- 200 - Equivalent Exchange - Allows you to exchange materials in a crafting table.
Smelting Experience is gained from smelting ores and apricorns.
These skills include:
- 25 - Bound Furnace - Allows you to store and summon a furnace.
- 50 - Stoke The Flames - Left Clicking on a furnace can extend the fuel burning time.
- 100 - Twinned Smelt - Passive Ability where a furnace has a chance to smelt 2 items at once.
- 150 - Eternal Flame - Shift Left Clicking allows you to fuel a furnace for a long period of time.
Salvaging Experience is gained from repairing tools and armour.
These skills include:
- 5 - Forager - Passive Ability to find items in grass.
- 50 - Recovery - Left Click a tool/armour on an anvil for a chance to get some material back.
- 100 - Repairman - Passive Ability that repairs are more effective.
- 150 - Disenchantment - Left Click a tool/armour on an enchanting table for a change to turn it into and enchanted book.