On the server, we have special palettes for Pokémon (those extend to their Mega and Gmax forms) which you can obtain by progressing your /bpass or gain from Giveaways on Discord. Each season of Battle Pass brings new special textures.
Bpass Pokemon palettes become available in /pb for 5 Mirage Crystals once the next two seasons have been released. For example, Season 5 Palettes become available because Season 7 was released. Currently, we have 7 Bpass palettes - Coral, Summer, Gala, Dark Galaxy, Ben 10, Luminous and Fruit.
Season 1 - Coral Palette
Pokemon included in this season are Arbok, Aurorus, Breelom, Carracosta, Emolga, Kingdra, Lanturn, Lugia, Parasect, Seaking, and Starmie.
Giveaway Pokemon are Dragonite, Feraligatr, Lapras, Ninetales, Noivern and Typhlosion.
Season 2 - Summer Palette
Pokemon included in this season are Bellossom, Blacephalon, Delcatty, Doduo & Dodrio, Exeggutor (Kanto & Alola), Garchomp, Hitmonlee, Magcargo, Meloetta, Oricorio, Patrat &Watchdog, Shiinotic, Sinistea & Polteageist, Swanna and Zarude.
Giveaway Pokemon is Jellicent (Male & Female).
Season 3 - Gala Palette
Pokemon included in this season are Aipom & Ambipom, Bellossom, Delphox, Dragonite, Electrivire, Emolga, Gallade, Gardevoir, Jynx, Kubfu & Urshifu, Marshadow, Meowstic (Male & Female), Patrat & Watchdog, Rillaboom, Skwovet & Greedent, Tapu Fini, Togedemaru, Tsareena, Ursaring and Zangoose.
Giveaway Pokemon are Eiscue, Marowak, Meloetta, Spinda and Talonflame.
Season 4 - Dark Galaxy Palette
Pokemon included in this season are Amaura & Aurorus, Blipbug & Dottler & Orbeetle, Dracovish, Groudon, Heatran, Jangm-o & Hakamo-o & Kommo-o, Kyogre, Litwick & Lampent & Lanturn, Mareanie & Toxapex, Mimikyu, Mudkip & Marshtomp & Swampert, Noibat & Noivern, Rayquaza, Sandile & Krokorok & Krookodile, Shinx & Luxio & Luxray, Silicobra & Sandaconda, Sobble & Drizzile & Inteleon, Solosis & Duosion & Reuniclus and Toxtricity (Amped and Low Key forms).
Giveaway Pokemon are Snorunt and Toxel.
Season 5 - Ben 10 Palette
Pokemon included in this season are Carracosta, Ditto, Exploud, Feraligatr, Frostmoth, Golem, Grafaiai, Hypno, Incineroar, Kleavor, Lokix, Machamp, Marshadow, Melmetal, Poliwrath, Raichu, Registeel, Sableye, Sandslash and Sceptile.
Giveaway Pokemon is Furret.
Season 6 - Luminous Palette
Pokemon included in this season are Araquanid, Basculegion, Dewgong, Drednaw, Eelektross, Gyarados, Kingdra, Kyogre, Lanturn, Lapras, Lumineon, Manaphy, Milotic, Phione, Politoed, Poliwrath, Sharpedo, Tentacruel and Veluza.
Giveaway Pokemon are Noivern and Walking Wake.
Season 7 - Fruit Palette
Pokemon included in this season are Bellibolt, Clodsire, Driftblim, Ferroseed & Ferrothorn, Foongus & Amoonguss, Ho-oh, Jirachi, Lickilicky, Manaphy, Maushold, Meganium, Pachirisu, Poliwrath, Snorlax, Tirtouga & Carracosta, Togedemaru, Victini, Weedle & Kakuna & Beedrill, Wooloo & Dubwool.
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