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    Getting Started

    Where can I find a daycare?

    A daycare can be obtained from villages all over the map or purchased from other players or /warp pokemart. Once you have placed down a daycare you can access your breeding Pokemon from any daycare. However, you only have 3 slots to start with. This can be upgraded with Pokecoins with the command /upgradedaycare or /udc.

    For two Pokémon to breed, they must be of opposite genders and also must both be part of the same Egg Group. All Pokémon are classified into two of 15 Egg Groups, and Pokémon can only breed if they share at least one Egg Group in common. To check a Pokémon's Egg Group you can use the command /wiki <pokemon> daycare. For example, when breeding a male and female Venusaur together, the offspring will be a level 1 Bulbasaur.

    Held Items

    In Pokemon when breeding there are a few items that can help you increase and complete the breeding faster, especially when breeding for perfect Pokemon, or Pokemon that require a specific IV spread, this is especially the case when you are breeding for Hidden Power.

    Giving your Pokémon held items can affect what is passed down.

    • I4NgpF1.png
      Everstone: When holding an Everstone, the parent who is holding the Everstone will pass down the nature of that parent all the time
    • vZJs32S.png
      Destiny Knot: When a parent holds a Destiny Knot, 5 random IVs from between both parents will be passed down.
    • Power Items: When a parent holds a Power Item, the IV stat from that Pokémon corresponding to the Power Item will be passed down all the time.
    StatPower Item
    Power Weight
    Power Bracer
    Power Belt
    Special Attack
    Power Lens
    Special Defense
    Power Band
    Power Anklet

    Baby Pokemon

    When trying to complete your Pokédex you will at some point have to breed baby Pokémon. These are Pokemon that are only attainable from breeding Pokemon, the list of baby Pókemon goes as such, Elekid, Cleffa, Mantyke, Togepi, Budew, Riolu, Smoochum, and more. To breed these Pokemon you will need to use Incenses in total there are 9 Incenses to breed all of the baby Pokemon a full list and the combination can be seen below.

    PokemonHeld ItemOutcome
    Luck Incense
    Pure Incense
    Wave Incense
    Sea Incense
    Odd Incense
    Rose Incense
    Full Incense
    Rock Incense
    Lax Incense

    A video guide to help you with both Baby Pokemon and Held items has been made and can help you here:

    A Comprehensive Guide to Breeding

    NOTE: This still took me over 12 hours, to do with good knowledge about breeding and having the right items. Breeding takes time, patience, and lots of frustration. But is very worthwhile for your Pokémon.

    Find the Pokemon you want to hunt, in this case, I am going to be using Ekans. The first thing that I usually do when I breed is to go to Smogon and double-check the set usage, after all, there are currently over 900 Pokémon in the game. This is where you can find what moves it needs for that set as well as the nature. Arbok's most popular set is Offensive Coil, which uses an adamant nature. Smogon also explains the set and what uses it has below, which is helpful if you are just getting into battle. This doesn’t mean you have to run it as such, but I will be in this case. Once you have found out what nature you want on your Ekans, you can use a Synchronise Pokemon to “copy” over the nature for example I used an Abra with an adamant nature. When using a Pokemon with this ability it has to be in your first slot otherwise it will not work. When catching any Pokémon I recommend using a False Swiper as well as using a sleep/paralysis move such as Thunder Wave or Hypnosis for more help catching Pokemon, check out the wiki page for it here.


    After catching 55-60 (I probably caught over 80, trying to get the right IV spread I was looking for especially when I was looking for Speed and HP) of the Pokémon (In this case Ekans) you require you can use /cp (also known as /checkparty) to go through the Pokémon you just caught, in this case, I got 1 good female Ekans and one mediocre male that I can work off to start breeding from. From this, I could start right away on the Destiny Knot that transfers 5/12 of the IVs from both parents. But in this case, I will be using a Power Belt on the Ekans that has a 31 Stat in defense (the female) and an Everstone on the other (the male) Ekans to carry over nature. Neither Pokémon has the right Ability but it's ok because I use a Female ekans to carry over the ability in my next steps. Below are the first-generation parents that I used.


    On MirageCraft instead of using random items to breed two Pokémon together, we use type berries and a 30P charge per different Pokémon species instead so for two Ekans to breed it is 12 kebia, 12 sitrus, and then the 30P charge because I'm using two Pokémon of the same species. The default breed time in MirageCraft is 45 minutes per Pokémon, this can be lowered via hatching eggs and leveling your breeding level with the MMO. Another way you can lower the breeding timer is via hourglasses.

    Isi's Hourglasses
    Isi's Hourglasses allows you to speed up certain parts of the breeding process. These can be obtained from /warp crates or from defeating bosses.
    • Copper Hourglasses skips one requirement for a Pokémon
    • Silver Hourglasses skips 25% of the breeding timer
    • Gold Hourglasses complete all requirements and timer for one breeding cycle
    After waiting for the timer for the egg the first egg that I got was ok it carried over the Defence Stat because of the Power Belt (this guarantees the chance for it to spread onto the baby's IV spread) and it also carried over the Special Attack though this isn't needed due to the nature (which has a plus attack minus special attack) and finally the Special Defence of 30 was also carried over. I now needed to hatch the egg.

    Once you get an Egg, you have to walk around with the Egg to hatch it. All Egg stats except IVs are completely hidden until the Egg is hatched and can not be viewed. Unless you have the rank of Master +, where you can do the command /egg slot. After walking enough, the Egg will start to crack, which indicates it is close to hatching. After a sufficient amount of walking, it will hatch. Riding a Pokémon and flying also counts towards "walking". If a Pokémon with either Flame Body or Magma Armor is in the player's party in the 1st slot, any Eggs in the player's party will hatch twice as fast. You can also go to /warp afkegghatcher for an automatic way to hatch eggs. We recommend not to go AFK though as you can miss some cool spawns!


    From here I bred these two together and got a really good egg it had the wrong ability that we were looking for this is Intimidate but it had taken, the Special Attack, Special Defence, Defence, and Attack IVs altogether to create a really strong baby (this can be seen in the picture below it is the level 1). Now from here, I had to go back to looking for ekans, I was looking for an ekans that was female, had 31/30 in HP or Speed as well as the right ability. After I had found one my breeding pair now looked like this.


    From here I continue to cycle through eggs, looking for a better female to upgrade to, so I can get a child with the HP, attack, Defence, Special Attack, and Special Defence and then I will need to do the same for Speed. After cycling through eggs I got a decent, male with 5/6 IV's just missing speed, which I can use a female Intimidate with a high-speed stat to breed it up currently my breeding pair looks like this.


    Once again it's just a case of breeding the eggs and upgrading the female once she carries over the same speed IVs with better stats in the other, we are looking for a 29-speed stat or higher on a female baby. After breeding through these two for a while I got a better female still using the same male as before this is my new female.


    • Ditto is capable of breeding with any Pokémon except Pokémon in the Undiscovered Egg Group. Gender is not a factor here so male, female, and genderless Pokémon can all breed with Ditto. Additionally, you can only breed genderless Pokémon with a ditto such as Rotom.
    • Pokémon in the Undiscovered Egg Group (mostly consisting of Legendaries) cannot breed with any Pokémon, including Ditto and other Pokémon in the same egg group.
    • Certain Pokémon, such as Snorlax, will not produce their pre-evolution unless the mother is holding a certain incense. Without the incense, these Pokémon will produce the evolutionary forms immediately following their pre-evolution. For example, breeding a Snorlax without a Full Incense will produce an Egg containing another Snorlax instead of a Munchlax. These Pokémon and their required incenses are listed below.
    • Two Dittos cannot be bred together for a random Pokemon this is disabled server side.

    Other Factors


    When breeding, the parent Pokémon passes down certain traits to their offspring

    A total of 3 IVs are passed down from between both parents to the offspring.

    Poké Ball
    The mother's PokéBall will be passed down to the child unless it's a master or Cherish ball, in which case it is impossible to pass them down.

    The growths of offspring are inherited from their parents. Growth inheritance is determined by the growth between the mother's and father's growths (e.g., ordinary is directly between runt and giant), with some random variance allowing the two growths directly next to the determined growth (using the previous example, small and huge growths would be possible as well). This slight variance in growth will occur even if both parents have the same growth. This is the only way to obtain Pokémon that are microscopic or ginormous, requiring two Pokémon that are pygmy or two Pokémon that are enormous (respectively) to breed together. Each offspring from these Pokémon will have a ⅓ chance of inheriting the corresponding extreme growth stats.

    The mother has an 80% chance to pass down the Ability to the offspring, while the male's Ability has no effect if the mother is present. If a male Pokémon breeds with a Ditto, the male Pokémon's Ability has a 60% chance of being passed on. The Ditto's Ability does not affect this chance. This applies to Hidden Abilities and normal abilities. The 1∕150 chance of getting a hidden Ability does not exist when breeding.

    If the mother or father has certain moves, their offspring can inherit these moves albeit being unable to learn them naturally

    If either the father or the mother (or both) know certain species-specific "Egg moves", their offspring will inherit these moves. The majority of these moves cannot be learned by the Pokémon except with this method. If the father knows any moves that can be taught via TMs or HMs, the offspring will inherit these moves if they can normally learn these moves via TM/HM. If both the mother and father know moves that are in their offspring's level-up move pool, the offspring will inherit these moves. This may cause the offspring to know moves that it would normally only be able to learn at higher levels. If more than four moves fit the criteria above, the moves that the offspring will have is decided using the above list as a hierarchy; i.e., Egg moves have priority over the other criteria. If there are more than four potential Egg moves to be inherited, the mother's Egg moves are prioritized.

    • If a Pikachu or Raichu breeds while holding a Light Ball, the offspring Pichu will know the move Volt Tackle regardless of whether the parents know the move.