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Getting Pokemon

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    Before you set off on your journey off catching Pokemon you will need some essential tools for your Pokedex. One of these is Pokeballs.​

    Getting PokéBalls

    Every Pokémon trainer needs to have Poke Balls. They are used to catch wild Pokémon. There are many types of pokéballs, each having their own catch rate, which is listed below. These can be obtained in a few ways.

    Crafting: Most Poke Balls are craftable. Each type of Poke Ball has its own recipe that requires different types of Apricorns and bases. You can craft them by using cooked apricorns in various combinations you then need a stone button and an iron/silver/platinum base. The base you're going to use depends on it's tier. To see each crafting recipe, you can view the Pixelmon Poke Balls Page or check it in-game (if you have JEI installed). This can be done via accessing your inventory and in the JEI Search bar searching for "Feather balls" then left-clicking for recipes. You can check all recipes with the arrows, seen in the video below.

    Pokemart: If you do not have the time or the resources to make your own Poke Balls, just go to the Pokémart and talk to one of the shopkeepers to buy them! You can buy every craft-able PokéBall. To get there use /warp pokemart.

    GTS: In Global Trade Station you can buy/sell both items and Pokémon. To access it, use the command /gts. To buy items or Pokémon, left-click them and then confirm your purchase. If you're looking specifically for a Pokémon, you can filter the GTS by pressing blue button 4 times (Current order is ALL/Instant Buy/Own/Item/Pokémon).


    Boss-Battles: It is possible to obtain Poke Balls as a drop from beating boss Pokémon! It is also possible to get Master Balls as a drop.

    Crates: Another way to obtain pokéballs is from /crates. You can see the list of what's in each crate by using the command or seeing here.

    Pokéball Effectiveness

    PokéballCatch Rate
    Cherish Ball
    1x catch rate.
    Dive Ball
    3.5× catch rate if the Pokémon is in water.
    Dream Ball
    3x catch rate if the Pokémon is sleeping.
    Dusk Ball
    3.5× catch rate in dark places.
    Fast Ball
    4× catch rate on Pokémon with 100 base speed or more.
    Friend Ball
    Captured Pokémon's happiness to 200.1x catch rate
    Great Ball
    1.5× catch rate.
    GS Ball
    1× catch rate.
    Heal Ball
    Fully heals HP and status of captured Pokémon. 1x catch rate.
    Heavy Ball
    Increased catch rate on heavy Pokémon.
    Level Ball
    Increased catch rate the lower the wild Pokémon's level is compared to the player's active Pokémon.
    Love Ball
    8× catch rate if the wild Pokémon is the same species and opposite gender as the player's active Pokémon.
    Lure Ball
    3× on Pokémon found via fishing.
    Luxury Ball
    Causes the captured Pokémon to gain more happiness from happiness gains. 1x catch rate.
    Master Ball
    Catches Pokémon without fail.
    Moon Ball
    4× catch rate if Pokémon is in an evolutionary family involving a Moon Stone.
    Nest Ball
    Increased catch rate on lower-leveled Pokémon.
    Net Ball
    3× catch rate on Bug and Water-type Pokémon.
    Park Ball
    Catches Pokémon without fail.
    Poké Ball
    1× catch rate, most basic Poké Ball.
    Premier Ball
    Causes the captured Pokémon to emit a red particle effect when sent out. 1x catch rate.
    Quick Ball
    5× catch rate if used on the first turn of a battle.
    Repeat Ball
    3× catch rate on species of Pokémon that the player already owns.
    Safari Ball
    1.5× catch rate in Plains biomes.
    Sport Ball
    1.5× catch rate on Bug-type Pokémon.
    Timer Ball
    Increased catch rate the longer the battle is.
    Ultra Ball
    2× catch rate.
    Beast Ball
    0.1x on wild Pokémon, 5x on Ultra Beasts

    Finding Pokémon

    Every Pokemon has a set of specific biomes it can spawn in, and some of them have specific conditions that have to be met in order for them to spawn. To see every Pokémon's location and conditions you can use command /wiki pokemonname spawning, For Example; you could do /wiki Blaziken spawning or use /wiki pokemonname and click on [Spawning] to get the information you need.

    Alternatively, you can also access Vanilla biomes such: Plains, Taiga, Mountains, Forest, Beach, Savanna, Badlands and Desert by using the command /warp mirageisland.



    In MirageCraft, we also have custom gym towns in different biomes that can also be used to search for pokémon. These towns have one for each type of pokémon, and to warp to these towns, you can either do /warps or, for example /warp GhostTown to explore these areas. These biomes include:
    • Rock Town - Shattered Savanna​
    • Water Town - Deep Ocean​
    • Electric Town - Aspen Forest​
    • Grass Town - Prairie​
    • Poison Town - Jacaranda Forest​
    • Psychic Town - Vibrant Swamplands​
    • Fire Town - Zelkova Forest​
    • Ground Town - Bluff Peaks​
    • Flying Town - Skyris Steeps​
    • Bug Town - Bayou​
    • Normal Town - Orchard​
    • Ghost Town - Cika Woods​
    • Fighting Town - Red Desert​
    • Steel Town - Meadow​
    • Ice Town - Deep Frozen Ocean​
    • Dragon Town - Guiana Shield​
    • Dark Town - Twilight Valley​
    • Fairy Town - Glowshroom Bayou​
    Lures: Another way to help find pokémon is using lures, either weak or strong. Wearing a lure places a 1.5x or 3x multiplier on the chance for a Pokémon of the lure typing to spawn. For recipes and more information, click here.
    Please Note:
    • Ultra Space is currently turned off but fear not! Pokémon that could be encountered there have been moved to other worlds such as the Nether, End and Overworld.
    • By catching specific Pokémon with Ancient PokeBalls you can transform them into their Hisuian forms.

    Catching Pokémon

    Each Pokémon has a different catch rate which tells how easy it is to catch a Pokémon. The lower the value, the harder it is to catch! This can be checked by using the command /wiki pokemonname. For example; we could do /wiki Blaziken and see the catch rate is 45.


    Here are a few ways to increase the chances of catching a Pokemon:
    • Lower their health (False Swipe is recommended, as it gets them down to 1HP and never lower, but be careful of Pokémon that can learn recoil moves, for example Beldum with take down. They may cause themselves to faint.)
    • Put the Pokémon to sleep (In this scenario it's the best to use dream balls);
    • Paralyze the Pokémon (Remember ground and electric type Pokémon cannot be paralysed).
    • Use "Perception Apple"

    You can catch Pokemon in battle as well as outside of battle.

    To access your Pokeballs in battle, click on blue bag icon and then select a Pokeball you want to use. Pokeballs must be in your main inventory to be used! If they're in your backpack or enderchest (any spare inventory really) they will not be usable in battle.



    Alternatively, you can throw a PokéBall directly at the Pokémon while outside of battle by right clicking with a PokéBall in hand.

    Catch Combos

    Catch combos is a feature of pixelmon to increase exp bonuses and shiny spawning rates. This has been re-designed with different rates compared to default setting to create a more balanced rate, which you can see below.
    • 1-10 catch combo: 5% exp bonus
    • 11-20 catch combo: 10% exp bonus
    • 21-30 catch combo: 20% exp bonus
    • 31-40 catch combo: 30% exp bonus
    • 41+ catch combo: 40% exp bonus, 10% increased shiny chance

    Other Ways To Acquire Pokemon

    : Every now and then giveaways will be hosted on the server or Discord. These will be listed in the #events or #giveaways channels on the Discord.

    Trading: Sometimes players may have extra pokemon they no longer want or are willing to sell/trade. You can check the #trade channel on Discord, the GTS in game, or you can ask nicely in chat if anyone has a Pokemon you're looking to trade for or buy. Do not beg in chat or spam asking for free Pokemon.

    The store is where you pay for Pokémon using real currency, not in-game currency. There are many things you can get from the store, such as: Keys for Crates, Legendary Tokens (Can be used to summon any legendary Pokémon), Mirage Crystals, Ranks, Claim Blocks, and more! Be sure to check out our store and support the server!

    Battle Pass: A feature of MirageCraft is our battle pass system. These include pokéballs and theme textured pokémon to work towards. More info can be found here.

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