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    Upon loading into MirageCraft you will arrive at the tutorial area. You will be instructed to do /rules and to read the rules. Once the rules have been read, you must accept them. You can do this by doing /acceptrules



    Once you have started you will come across an NPC. You will interact with the NPC, Tommy and follow the dialogue he provides. Tommy will ask you to go and get your starter pokemon from the Professor in the nearby lab. There are 48 different starters to choose from.
    Once you have received your starter you will be given the Youngster Rank. The youngster rank gives you access to a couple of handy commands and benefits which ranks give. which you can find out more about here Ranks.


    After choosing your starter, go and talk to the professor again. The professor will teach you how to craft a Poke Ball and you will be given some materials to use afterwards. Speak to the Professor and they will give you 24 Pokeballs, 12 Great balls, 4 red and 4 blue apricorns as a reward.

    Return to Tommy again and throw your pokemon to start a battle with him. You can do this using the R button (if you're using default controls). Once you have defeated Tommy, you will receive a pair of brand new running shoes (New Running Shoes give the player a 75% walking speed boost when worn)

    Once you have battled Tommy, visit the PokeCenter and talk to Nurse Joy - Nurse Joy will teach you how to use the healer to heal your pokemon. Once you have interacted with the healer, talk to Nurse Joy again and you will receive 16 Mirage Gems. Mirage Gems heal your entire party when you're on the move rather than returning to the PokeCenter each time.


    Once you have completed the tutorial on healing your pokemon & using the PokeCenter. You should talk to Stanley. Stanley is an avid Pokemon Catcher and He will teach you how to catch pokemon.
    You will then be asked to catch a Pokemon. Catch a pokemon and then return and interact with Stanley.


    MirageCraft has lots of different ways for you to get started. This could be using /rtp to randomly teleport out in the wild away from nearby claims or you can visit the warps with /warps. Some players may want to explore spawn first before venturing out into the wild and some may want to take their time. We have catered for all the different types of explorers that we have come across over the years.