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Legendary Pokemon

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    Legendary Pokémon

    Legendary Pokémon has a chance of spawning every 12.5 to 29.16 minutes. There are many other factors that can affect the spawning of legend pokemon, such as:
    • Whether Legendary Pokémon can spawn in the different biomes and spawn locations
    • Whether the spawn positions are close enough to players
    • The amount of terrain that is compatible for a Legendary Pokémon's spawn location
    • Base percentage of the Legendary Pokémon spawn attempt succeeding (30% by default).
    Every Pokemon has a spawn rarity including Legendary Pokemon. The rarity is calculated by adding all the rarities of all the pokemon that can spawn in the area, then divides the rarity by the total to get the overall chance.

    Ways to Obtain Legends

    In MirageCraft, there are multiple other ways you can obtain legends. Such as:
    • Earning shards, more information here.
    • Collecting legend orbs, more information here.
    • Buying legendary keys off the mystery merchant at /warp evtraining - more info here.
    • Buying legends of /gts - see more information here.
    • Earning keys in-game from playtime rewards, /dex, and /gyms.
    • Buying of our donate store.

    Here below is all the spawning biomes/locations for each legend pokémon currently available. All legends can be spawned using Shards.

    PokémonSpawning BiomesSpawning Requirements
    ArticunoN/AObtained by using a full Orb of Frozen Souls on the Frozen Shrine.
    MewtwoN/AOnly obtained by shards.
    MewModified Jungle, Guiana SpringsSpawns during the day on land.
    MoltresN/AObtained by using a full Orb of Fiery Souls on the Fiery Shrine.
    ZapdosN/AObtained by using a full Orb of Static Souls on the Static Shrine.
    CelebiN/AObtained from Ilex Shrine.
    EnteiAlps, Alpine Foothills, Mountain Edge, Gravelly Mountains, Wooded Mountains, Modified Gravelly Mountains, MountainsSpawns during the day on land.
    Ho-OhSavanna PlateauSpawns during dawn/morning.
    LugiaOcean, Warm OceanSpawns during night in rain.
    RaikouSavanna, Savanna Plateau, Shattered Savanna, Shattered Savanna Plateau, Araucaria Forest, Araucaria Savanna, Baobab Savanna, Sierra Range, Sierra ValleySpawns during dawn/morning on land
    SuicuneBeach, Mushroom Field Shore, Snowy Beach, Stone Shore, Basalt Barrera, Rainbow Beach, Rocky Beach, Snowy Black Beach, Snowy Rocky Black Beach, White BeachSpawns during the night on land.
    DeoxysEnd Highlands, Snowy Taiga MountainsSpawns during the morning on land.
    GroudonDesert HillsSpawns during the day, on land, in clear weather.
    JirachiGravelly Mountains, Jade CliffsSpawns during dawn/morning on land.
    KyogreDeep Cold Ocean, Deep Frozen Ocean, Deep Lukewarm Ocean, Deep Ocean, Deep Warm OceanSpawns during the night, in water, in rainy weather at max Y 45. 2x Spawn rate in stormy weather.
    LatiasOcean, Warm OceanSpawns during the morning in the air.
    LatiosOcean, Warm OceanSpawns during the afternoon in the air.
    RayquazaGravelly Mountains, Gravelly Mountains+, Mountain Edge, Mountains, Wooded Mountains, Alpine Foothills, AlpsSpawns during afternoon/dusk in the air.
    RegiceFrozen Ocean, Frozen River, Ice Spikes, Snowy Beach, Snowy Mountains, Snowy Taiga, Snowy Taiga Hills, Snowy Taiga Mountains, Snowy Tundra, Frozen Lake, Lush Tundra, Northern Forest, Shattered Glacier, Snowy Blue Giant Taiga, Snowy Blue Taiga, Snowy Blue Taiga Hills, Snowy Coniferous Clearing, Snowy Coniferous Forest, Snowy Coniferous Forest Hills, Snow Deciduous Clearing, Snowy Deciduous Forest, Snowy Deciduous Forest Hills, Snowy Evergreen Clearing, Snowy Evergreen Taiga, Snowy Evergreen HillsSpawns during the morning, underground at max Y 50.
    RegirockBadlands, Badlands Plateau, Eroded Badlands, Modified Badlands Plateau, Modified Wooded Badlands Plateau, Wooded Badlands Plateau, Red Rock Highlands, Red Rock Lowlands, Red Rock Mountains, Wooded Red Rock MountainsSpawns during the afternoon, underground at max Y 50
    RegisteelDesert, Desert Hills, Desert Lakes, Dunes, Lush Red Desert, Mojave Desert, Oasis, Red Desert, Red Desert DunesSpawns during dawn/morning, underground at max Y 50
    ArceusN/AObtained from Timespace Alter.
    AzelfFresh Water Lake, Great Lake Isles, Great Lakes, Oasis
    Flower Forest, Forest, Wooded Hills, Boreal Clearing, Boreal Forest, Boreal Forest Hills, Deciduous Clearing, Deciduous Forest, Deciduous Forest Hills, Forest Fault, Grove, Jacaranda Clearing, Jacaranda Forest, Jacaranda Forest Clearing, Maple Hills, Maple Taiga, Orchard, Pointed Stone Forest, Pumpkin Forest, Red Oak Forest, Red Oak Forest Hills, Seasonal Deciduous Clearing, Seasonal Deciduous Forest, Seasonal Deciduous Forest Hills, Seasonal Forest, Seasonal Forest Hills, Skyris Highlands, Skyris Highlands Clearing, Skyris Peaks, Skyris Steeps, Stone Forest, Wooded Grassland Plateau, Wooded Meadow, Woodlands, Zelkova Clearing, Zelkova Forest, Zelkova Forest Hills
    Spawns during the morning on surface water.
    CresseliaTall Birch ForestSpawns during the night, on land and during moon phase 0 (full moon).
    DarkraiDark Forest HillsSpawns during the night, on land and during moon phase 4 (new moon).
    DialgaN/AObtained from Timespace Alter.
    GiratinaN/AObtained from Timespace Alter.
    HeatranBadlands, Badlands Plateau, Eroded Badlands, Modified Badlands Plateau, Modified Wooded Badlands Plateau, Wooded Badlands Plateau, Red Rock Highlands, Red Rock Lowlands, Red Rock Mountains, Wooded Red Rock Mountains, Basalt Deltas, Magma WastesSpawns in underground lava at max Y 50 or on surface lava.
    ManaphyLukewarm Ocean, Warm OceanSpawns during the morning, in water and in clear weather.
    MespritBirch Forest, Birch Forest Hills, Tall Birch Forest, Tall Birch Hills, Aspen Clearing, Aspen Forest, Aspen Forest Hills, Seasonal Birch Forest, Seasonal Birch Forest Hills
    Fresh Water Lake, Great Lake Isles, Great Lakes, Oasis
    Spawns during dawn/morning on surface water.
    PalkiaN/AObtained from Timespace Alter.
    PhioneN/ACan be obtained by breeding Manaphy.
    RegigigasSavanna, Savanna Plateau, Shattered Savanna, Shattered Savanna Plateau, Araucaria Forest, Araucaria Savanna, Baobab Savanna, Sierra Range, Sierra ValleySpawns during afternoon/dusk, underground at max Y 40.
    ShayminFlower Forest, Sunflower Plains, Allium Fields, Amaranth Fields, Cherry Blossom Clearing, Cherry Blossom Forest, Flowering Ancient Forest, Flowering Enchanted Grove, Flowering Grove, Flowering Meadow, Rose FieldsSpawns during the morning on land.
    UxieFresh Water Lake, Great Lake Isles, Great Lakes, Oasis
    Dark Forest, Dark Forest Hills, Black Forest Clearing, Black Forest Hills, Ebony Hills, Ebony Woods, The Black Forest
    Spawns during the afternoon on surface water.
    CobalionBirch Forest Hills, Tall Birch Hills, Wooded Hills, Aspen Forest Hills, Boreal Forest Hills, Maple Hills, Seasonal Birch Forest Hills, Seasonal Forest HillsSpawns during the night on land.
    GenesectGravelly Mountains+, Wooded Mountains, Alpine Foothills, Bluff Peaks, Bluff Steeps, Dover Mountains, Redwood MountainsSpawns during the night on land.
    KeldeoDesert Lakes, Fresh Water Lake, Great Lake Isles, Great Lake, Oasis, RiverSpawns during the day on land.
    KyuremIce SpikesSpawns during afternoon/dusk on land.
    LandorusModified Badlands Plateau, Modified Wooded Badlands Plateau, Wooded Badlands PlateauSpawns during dawn/morning in the air.
    MeloettaFlower Forest, Sunflower Plains, Allium Fields, Amaranth Fields, Cherry Blossom Clearing, Cherry Blossom Forest, Flowering Ancient Forest, Flowering Enchanted Grove, Flowering Grove, Flowering Meadow, Rose FieldsSpawns during the night on land.
    ReshiramGiant Spruce Taiga, Giant Spruce Taiga Hills, Giant Tree Taiga, Giant Tree Taiga Hills, Blue Giant Taiga, Cika Mountains, Cika Woods, Redwood Clearing, Redwood Mountains, Redwood Tropics, Seasonal Giant TaigaSpawns during the day on land.
    TerrakionBirch Forest Hills, Tall Birch Hills, Wooded Hills, Aspen Forest Hills, Boreal Forest Hills, Maple Hills, Seasonal Birch Forest Hills, Seasonal Forest HillsSpawns during the night on land.
    ThundurusPlains, Sunflower Plains, Autumnal Valley, Grassland Plateau, Meadow, Prairie, Prairie Clearing, ShrublandsSpawns during the morning, in the air in rainy weather. 2x Spawn rate in stormy weather.
    TornadusPlains, Sunflower Plains, Autumnal Valley, Grassland Plateau, Meadow, Prairie, Prairie Clearing, ShrublandsSpawns during the afternoon, in the air in rainy weather. 2x Spawn rate in stormy weather.
    VictiniSavanna, Savanna Plateau, Shattered Savanna, Shattered Savanna Plateau, Araucaria Forest, Araucaria Savanna, Baobab Savanna, Sierra Range, Sierra ValleySpawns during the day, on land in clear weather.
    VirizionBirch Forest Hills, Tall Birch Hills, Wooded Hills, Aspen Forest Hills, Boreal Forest Hills, Maple Hills, Seasonal Birch Forest Hills, Seasonal Forest HillsSpawns during the day on land.
    ZekromGiant Spruce Taiga, Giant Spruce Taiga Hills, Giant Tree Taiga, Giant Tree Taiga Hills, Blue Giant Taiga, Cika Mountains, Cika Woods, Redwood Clearing, Redwood Mountains, Redwood Tropics, Seasonal Giant TaigaSpawns during the night on land.
    DiancieGravelly Mountains, Gravelly Mountains+, Mountain Edge, Mountains, Wooded Mountains, Alpine Foothills, AlpsSpawns during the morning, underground at max Y 50.
    HoopaDesert, Desert Hills, Desert Lakes, Dunes, Lush Red Desert, Mojave Desert, Oasis, Red Desert, Red Desert Dunes, Small End IslandsSpawns during the afternoon on land.
    VolcanionDesert Lakes, OasisSpawns during dawn/morning on liquid floors.
    XerneasDark ForestSpawns during the day on land.
    YveltalTaiga MountainsSpawns during the night on air.
    ZygardeGuiana Springs, Guiana ClearingSpawns during the night.
    CosmoemN/AEvolves from Cosmog.
    CosmogSunflower PlainsSpawns during dusk/night on land.
    LunalaN/AEvolves from Cosmoem.
    MagearnaDark Forest, Dark Forest Hills, Black Forest Clearing, Black Forest Hills, Ebony Hills, Ebony Woods, The Black ForestSpawns during the day, indoors on birch planks.
    MarshadowBasalt Deltas, Crimson Forest, Nether Wastes, Soul Sand Valley, Warped Forest, Brimstone Caverns, Crimson Gardens, Embur Bog, Glowstone Gardens, Magma Wastes, Subzero Hypogeal, Sythian Torrids, Wailing Garth, Warped Desert, Weeping Mire, Withering Woods, Quartz Desert, Badlands PlateauSpawns during the night on land.
    MelmetalN/AEvolves from Meltan.
    MeltanAlps, Alpine Foothills, Mountains Edge, Gravelly Mountains, Wooded Mountains, Modified Gravelly Mountains, MountainsSpawns during dusk/night when near ores.
    NecrozmaDark ForestSpawns during the night on land.
    SilvallyN/AEvolves from Type: Null.
    SolageoN/AEvolves from Cosmoem.
    Tapu BuluJungle, Tropical Islands Tropical RainforestSpawns during the day on land.
    Tapu FiniJungle, Tropical Islands Tropical RainforestSpawns during the afternoon on surface water.
    Tapu KokoJungle, Tropical Islands Tropical RainforestSpawns during the morning on land.
    Tapu LeleJungle, Tropical Islands Tropical RainforestSpawns during the night on land.
    Type: NullJungle EdgeSpawns during dusk/night on land.
    ZeraoraSavanna PlateauSpawns during the afternoon on land.
    CalyrexSnowy Taiga, Snowy Taiga Hills, Snowy Taiga Mountains, Northern Forest, Snowy Blue Giant Taiga, Snowy Blue Taiga, Snowy Blue Taiga Hills, Snowy Coniferous Clearing, Snowy Coniferous Forest, Snowy Coniferous Forest Hills, Snowy Deciduous Clearing, Snowy Deciduous Forest, Snowy Deciduous Forest Hills, Snowy Evergreen Clearing, Snowy Evergreen Taiga, Snowy Evergreen HillsSpawns during the morning on land.
    EnamourusFlower Forest, Sunflower Plains, Allium Fields, Amaranth Fields, Cherry Blossom Clearing, Cherry Blossom Forest, Flowering Ancient Forest, Flowering Enchanted Grove, Flowering Grove, Flowering Meadow, Rose FieldsSpawns during dawn/dusk in the air.
    EternatusSwamp, Swamp Hills, Bayou, Bog, Cold Swamplands, Coral Mangroves, Cypress Swamplands, Glowshroom Bayou, Mangrove Marshes, Marshlands, Vibrant Swamplands, End BarrensSpawns during dawn/morning on land.
    Galarian ArticunoN/AOnly obtainable by shards.
    Galarian ZapdosN/AOnly obtainable by shards.
    Galarian MoltresN/AOnly obtainable by shards.
    GlastrierFrozen Ocean, Frozen River, Ice Spikes, Snowy Beach, Snowy Mountains, Snowy Tundra, Frozen Lake, Lush Tundra, Shattered GlacierSpawns during the day on land.
    KubfuBamboo Jungle, Bamboo Jungle Hills, Bamboo ForestSpawns during the afternoon on land.
    Basalt Deltas, Crimson Forest, Nether Wastes, Soul Sand Valley, Warped Forest, Brimstone Caverns, Crimson Gardens, Embur Bog, Glowstone Gardens, Magma Wastes, Subzero Hypogeal, Sythian Torrids, Wailing Garth, Warped Desert, Weeping Mire, Withering Woods, Quartz Desert
    Spawns during the day on manmade.
    RegielekiEnd Barrens, End Highlands, End Midlands, Small End Islands, The End, Bulbis Gardens, Bulbis Gardens Edge, Cryptic Wastes, Ethereal Clearing, Ethereal Forest, Ethereal Islands, Imparius Clearing, Imparius Grove, Ivis Fields, Nightshade Forest, Purpur Peaks, Shattered Desert, Shattered Desert Isles, Shattered Viscal Isles, Shulkren Forest, Viscal ForestSpawns during the day on manmade.
    Swamp, Swamp Hills, Bayou, Bog, Cold Swamplands, Coral Mangroves, Cypress Swamplands, Glowshroom Bayou, Mangrove Marshes, Marshlands, Vibrant Swamplands
    Spawns during the night on land.
    UrshifuN/AEvolves from Kubfu.
    ZacianBirch Forest, ForestSpawns during the day on land.
    ZamazentaBirch Forest, ForesySpawns during the night on land.
    ZarudeBamboo Jungle, Bamboo Jungle Hills, Jungle, Jungle Edge, Jungle Hills, Modified Jungle, Modified Jungle Edge, Bamboo Forest, Guiana Clearing, Guiana Shield, Guiana Springs, Tropical Fungal Forest, Tropical Fungal Rainforest Hills, Tropical Islands, Tropical Rainforest, Tropical Rainforest HillsSpawns during the ight on tree tops.
    Chi-YuBadlands, Badlands Plateau, Eroded Badlands, Modified Badlands Plateau, Modified Wooded Badlands Plateau, Wooded Badlands Plateau, Red Rock Highlands, Red Rock Lowlands, Red Rock Mountains, Wooded Red Rock MountainsSpawns during the day, on lava floor at min Y 80.
    Chien-PaoSnowy Mountains, Snowy Taiga Hills, Snowy Taiga Mountains, AlpsSpawns during the night, on land at min Y 80.