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  • Installing Pixelmon Reforged with the MultiMC Launcher
    This tutorial is to help you set up MirageCraft's modpack using MultiMC Launcher. If this guide is too confusing or if you want to use a different method to play, check out our other guides here.

    Downloading MultiMC Launcher

    Step 1

    Download MultiMC for whichever system you use. You can download it from here.

    MultiMC Download​
    Step 2

    Once it's on your computer, unzip the MultIMC folder onto your desktop or wherever you would like to install it.
    Once you have ran MultiMC.exe file and have it open you need to Click the Settings Icon to sign into Minecraft!

    The settings button for MultiMC​
    Step 3

    After that You need to click either Add Mojang or Add Minecraft depending on how you sign into minecraft

    Adding Mojang or Minecraft​

    Once you have signed in you have successfully added your minecraft account to the MultiMC laucher

    Installing the Pixelmon Modpack

    Step 1

    With the MultiMC launcher open, navigate to the add instance button and click Technic on the left hand side of the window.


    MultiMC Packs page
    Step 2

    Search MirageCraft in the search bar. The MirageCraft Pixelmon Reforged Modpack should appear, once it does click ok. Make sure you're adding the most recent version!


    Searching MirageCraft in MultiMC Launcher
    Step 3

    Congrats! Now you have installed the MirageCraft Modpack! Navigate to the main page and you should see the Miragecraft Pixelmon instance click it and it will open!


    MirageCraft Modpack is Downloaded​

    Adding RAM to the MultiMC launcher

    Is MirageCraft not running as smoothly as you want it to be? There might not be enough RAM allocated to Minecraft.

    Step 1

    Right click in the instance of Miragecraft Pixelmon and go Edit Instance. A window should pop up you then want to go to Settings and change the Minimum & Maximum Memory allocation, 2-3GB (or 2,000MB-3,000MB) is recommended for Pixelmon. Once you've put how much RAM you want to give Minecraft, don't forget to hit Close and it will save automatically! Make sure to not give Minecraft more RAM than your computer can handle, if your computer only has 2GB of memory available, don't allocate 3GB!

    Adding Mods to the Modpack
    This guide will be using Optifine as an example just because it's a very popular mod people tend to play with, but this can be used for other mods as long as you download the proper file.

    Step 1

    First things first is downloading the mod you want to add into the modpack. In this case: Optifine. You may get a warning saying that this is a harmful file, this warning can be dismissed as it's just a false positive because it's a jar file. You can click on Keep Anyway to keep the file.

    Optifine Version 1.16.5​

    Skipping the Ad


    Getting the Mod File​

    Step 2

    Once you have your desired mod downloaded, head to the Main menu of MultiMC and select Open Folder on MirageCraft's modpack and then go to Mod" and From here, you can add in Optifine or whatever additional mods you wanted to the Mods folder.

    Open the Modpack Folder​