On the server and forums there are several ranks, each of which have their own description and a different process of obtaining. This section thoroughly discusses what each rank has, what features it holds, and how these ranks can be obtained.
Rank perks can NOT be used for players without equal or greater rank. Example: You have Mystic rank, giving you access to the /breed command. You cannot use this command to help your friend who is Ace rank.
Rank perks can NOT be offered as a service in exchange for money. Example: You cannot offer to /repair players' tools for a fee.
Trainer Rank
Trainer is the first free rank on the server, obtained after 2 hours of active playtime.
Additional Commands
- Access to /marry (Propose to someone and get married)
- Access to /pvp (Turn pvp on or off as you like)
- Access to /dexrewards (Rank up as you catch more Pokemon)
- Access to /dexcheck (Check what Pokémon you haven't caught yet)
Additional Perks
- Access to having 2 homes (Includes management with /delhome, /sethome & /homes)
- Access to joining some server giveaways
Event Ranks
Event ranks are obtained through winning events! We have a total of 7 event ranks currently, which may expand with the rise of new events.
PokéBreeder is a rank obtained from placing top 3 (sometimes top 5) in official Breeding Competitions. Similar to capture competitions, we often host this type of event with the theme depending on the season.
Additional Commands
- Access to /feed (Fill up your hunger instantly)
PokéArtist is a rank obtained from placing top 3 (sometimes top 5) in official Art Contests. Art Contests are held typically every other month or so and the theme changes each time!
Additional Commands
- Access to /feed (Fill up your hunger instantly)
PokéWriter is a rank obtained from simply winning in the Writing Contest, where players are required to write an entry based off a prompt or given subject.
(Please note this rank is currently UNOBTAINABLE due to cheating with AI.)
Additional Commands
- Access to /feed (Fill up your hunger instantly)
PokéSnapper rank is given to the top entries of the Pokemon Snap event. The Pokemon Snap event is hosted around once a month, and all it takes to win is to enter some winning screenshots based on this month's rules. Each Pokemon Snap Event and its theme/rules are announced in #events of our discord server.
PokéAngler rank is awarded to winners of the server's fishing contests. This event is hosted less frequently than others, but the key to winning is using a Old/Good/Super Rod to fish up as many pokemon, or as many specified pokemon as possible and catch them within a given time limit.
PokéNetter rank is won by winning the Bug Catching event on the server. This event is hosted less frequently than others, but the key to winning is to catch as many bug type pokemon or specified bug type pokemon as possible within a given time limit.
Builder rank is obtained from placing top 3 (sometimes top 5) in official Building Contests, where players are required to construct a building on the server with a given theme.
Additional Commands
- Access to /feed (Fill up your hunger instantly)
Additional Perks
- Access to having 4 homes (Includes management with /delhome, /sethome & /homes)
Architect rank is special, in that it can only be obtained if your Building Contest submission is deemed to be breathtaking and awe-inspiring by several judges.
Additional Commands
- Access to /feed (Fill up your hunger instantly)
- Access to /fly (Allows you to fly)
Additional Perks
- Access to having 16 homes (Includes management with /delhome, /sethome & /homes)
PokéVictor rank is given to the 1st placer of the Mirage League. The Mirage League tournament is held on the first Saturday of every month. This rank is passed on every month; It will be taken away from the previous month's victor and onto the new victor after every tournament. Meaning, for someone to have the rank two months in a row they need to come in 1st place for two months.
Additional Commands
- Access to /god (Get into god mode - no hunger or health depletion)
Additional Perks
- Access to Victini PokeDisguise (Disguise using /pokedisguise Victini)
- Access to PokéVictor kit
Mirage is a rank obtained from getting the following ranks:
Builder or
Architect and any
Donator rank above
Pokedex Ranks
These ranks can be gained by hitting certain percentage milestones from your pokedex. More information can be seen
Catcher rank requires you to capture 100 or more unique Pokémon in the server. Check your progress by typing
/stats in-game. If you have enough Pokémon caught, you can upgrade your rank via the command
Additional Commands
Collector rank requires you to capture 240 or more unique Pokémon in the server. Check your progress by typing
/stats in-game. If you have enough Pokémon caught, you can upgrade your rank via the command
Additional Commands
Hoarder rank requires you to capture 400 or more unique Pokémon in the server. Check your progress by typing
/stats in-game. If you have enough Pokémon caught, you can upgrade your rank via the command
Additional Commands
PokéManiac rank requires you to capture 620 or more unique Pokémon in the server. Check your progress by typing
/stats in-game. If you have enough Pokémon caught, you can upgrade your rank via the command
Additional Commands
- Access to /feed (Fill up your hunger instantly)
- Access to /kit PokeManiac
PokéMaven rank requires you to capture 850 or more unique Pokémon in the server (This requirement increases as the mod adds more new Pokémon). Check your progress by typing
/stats in-game. If you have enough Pokémon caught, you can upgrade your rank via the command
Additional Commands
- Access to /feed (Fill up your hunger instantly)
- Access to /kit PokeMaven
Pokéhunt Ranks
These hunts are collected by gaining certain amounts of hunter points from pokéhunts. You can see your progress with /pokehunts.
Scout is the first rank for pokéhunts, gained from collecting 200 Hunter Points.
Additional Commands
- Access to /feed (Fill up your hunger instantly)
- Access to /kit Scout
Seeker rank requires you to gain 500 Hunter Points from pokéhunts.
Additional Commands
- Access to /feed (Fill up your hunger instantly)
- Access to /kit Seeker
Tracker rank requires you to gain 1000 Hunter Points from pokéhunts.
Additional Commands
- Access to /feed (Fill up your hunger instantly)
- Access to /kit Tracker
PokéRanger rank requires you to gain 1700 Hunter Points from pokéhunts.
Additional Commands
- Access to /feed (Fill up your hunger instantly)
- Access to /kit PokéRanger
PokéHunter rank requires you to gain 2400 Hunter Points from pokéhunts.
Additional Commands
- Access to /feed (Fill up your hunger instantly)
- Access to /kit PokéHunter
Other Ranks
PokéFan rank is a rank awarded to players who have voted equivalent to 200 times, on the 7 differente vote sites. This lasts a month so will need to be reoccuring votes, this is equivalent to voting every day for 30 days. To vote in game you can do
Additional Commands
- Access to /feed (Fill up your hunger instantly)
PokéCamper is obtained by playing on the server for 1500 hours! This can be redeemed via
/prewards, check out the
Playtime Wiki Page for more info.
Additional Commands
- Access to /touchgrass (Gives you 1 Grass)
PokéAnalyst is obtained from completing all 4 tiers of
Additional Commands
- Access to /kit PokeAnalyst
WikiEditors do voluntary work. They are given no perks whatsoever besides love and recognition from the community and a website tag. Players may apply for Wiki Editor once they meet the requirements.
Steamer rank is given to those who have streamed the server multiple times. You can show this by linking your streams in the clips-n-streams section of our discord. Streamers are welcome!
Additional Perks
- Access to Expert Donator Rank commands
Donator Ranks
Donator ranks (or paid ranks) are a symbol for someone who has donated to support the server! There are 8 ranks in total. Check out the additional commands and perks each rank has on our
Donation Store. Such commands include (but are not limited to):
/hatch, and
Donator Rank perks can NOT be used for players without equal or greater rank. Example: You have Mystic rank, giving you access to the /breed command. You cannot use this command to help your friend who is Ace rank.
Donator Rank perks can NOT be offered as a service in exchange for money. Example: You cannot offer to /repair players' tools for a fee.
Staff Ranks
Staff work to maintain a functional and healthy server by enforcing the rules, as well as a happy and helpful community! Players start off as a
Helper. Being a Helper is not an easy task. At times it may be overwhelming. This is the initial step to get the necessary training to move on to be a moderator. Helpers have to deal with rule breakers and flamers, post punishment reports on the forums, and fulfill other requirements of the job.
Helpers may apply for moderator once they've met the requirements, which then if they get accepted, earn them the title of
Trial-Mod. Trial-Mods are basically Moderators being tested of their capabilities. Once they pass the test, they will be promoted to
Surely, this will be much harder than just being a Helper. Moderators need to be ready to set aside their own projects to take care of issues that arise. People may be requesting their help 24/7 and they may be left with little time to play. They must be able to handle power and responsibility to fulfill all of the duties wisely and swiftly.
Mods will be promoted up the ladder if we deem them to be competent. The ladder is as follows:
Admin, and lastly
You can become a
Helper by applying through the discord via the applications category. Remember to the read and requirements before applying.