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Frequently Asked Questions

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    Welcome to the server's FAQ page. You can find many frequently asked questions from players regarding MirageCraft's forums, discord and server here.​

    Q: Can my data be reset?

    A: I'm afraid this isn't possible, the best thing you can do is empty your pc (leaving 1 pokemon) and inventory.

    Q: Can you re-pick your starter Pokemon?

    A: Sadly, no. Your starter pick is a finalized decision that you cannot undo. Choose carefully! If you picked incorrectly, your starter can still spawn in the wild! Just do /wiki PokemonName to know where they spawn.

    Q: Are there shiny starters?

    A: Yes, you are able to start out with a shiny starter (though we do have custom starters which also have the Shiny Option). You can also get a free Shiny. Check out how here.

    Q: How do I go to the wild/leave spawn?

    A: Here at MirageCraft, we provide players with a variety of warps to choose from to be able to start their adventure! To access them, just use the command /warps or, alternatively, you can use /rtp, which will teleport you to a random location within a 5000 block radius of the spawn area. Then just go away from any claimed areas you might find yourself in. You can also use /pwarps to see what player made warps have been added for biome locations.

    Q: I have no permissions?

    A: If you are ranked "No-Starter" be sure to use the following commands: /rules or /acceptrules and follow the story-tutorial. After that, you will have permissions for /rtp to randomly teleport to the wild. The tutorial cannot be skipped if you wish to have access to all the regular commands.

    Q: I warped away from spawn, but it still says the land is claimed. What do I do?

    A: You're either in a server claimed space, someone else's claim, or in Resource World. Walk a few hundred blocks and try again. If that doesn't work press F3 on your keyboard. A bunch of information should appear on your screen. Below where it says "Client Chunk Cache", if it says anything other than "minecraft: overworld" then you are in a Resource World and you cannot claim here. You will need to use /spawn and then /rtp and find a new place to try and build.

    Q: Where can I get food?

    A: You can grow your own food by making a farm, or by defeating Pokemon. You can also check our guide on getting food.

    Q: How can I protect my house?

    On MirageCraft, you can claim your land to protect it! For more info, click here.

    Q: How big is the map?

    A: The server's map is 40k blocks in both length and width.

    Q: Is there any way to share a claim with a friend?

    A: Yes, there is! Just stand in your claimed area and type /trust playername. There are also other types of giving permissions, such as container trust and manager trust. To learn more, click here.

    Q: I added someone to my claim. Can I lock my chest?

    A: There are different levels of trust that you can give to someone in your claim. If you want someone to have access to a claim but also don't want them to open chests you can use /accesstrust playername. If this isn't what you're looking for, claim subdivisions may help you give permissions at a specific spot. For more information on subdivisions and claim trust levels, click here.

    Q: Can I get more homes?

    A: You can get more homes by getting a rank from the donation store. Another way to get a home is to marry someone and get a marriage home.

    Q: How do I buy/sell pokemon and Items?

    A: Currently, you can use the Global Trade Station (GTS) with /gts. For more information on GTS click here. You can also create chest shops to sell items, more information here.

    Q: How do I send/gift players pokemon?

    A: You can use the in-game command /gift playername slotnumber to send other players pokémon. Please do not use this for players who haven't received the trainer rank/starter pokémon, it can glitch the players ability to receive a starter.

    Q: How do I make pokeballs?
    A: Since Pixelmon version 9.0.1, the anvil that previously was used to make pokeballs no longer exists. Now most pokeballs can be crafted in the Minecraft Crafting Table. You can either see how to craft them in-game, see here, or on the pixelmon wiki, see here.

    Q: Where do I collect apricorns/berries?
    A: There are multiple ways to find these. We have /warp berryvendor to buy apricorns and berries, there are many /pwarps (free and paid player-made warps) that have made platforms for berries and apricorns, and you can find apricorns in the wild while exploring.

    Q: Can someone give me money/pokeballs?
    A: We advise players to try and earn these items themselves. We have multiple wiki pages to help explain and give ideas for how to gather money/make items. Repeated begging will result in punishment as it against the server rules, so try to research or ask questions about how to do things.

    Q: How can I make money?

    A: You can find a full list of money making ideas here. You can also do /mwiki money for ideas and/or farm drops from pokemon, like ghast tears, and sell at /warp pokemart.

    Q: Where do I get/clean fossils?
    A: To gather fossils, you can search for a covered fossil block in gravel floors in oceans or in gravel deposits when mining. You can see more information from the pixelmon wiki here. To clean/resurrect fossils, you need to craft a fossil cleaner and a fossil machine. Recipes for these can be found in-game by searching in JEI or on the pixelmon wiki.

    Q: What level are the gyms?

    A: Minimum team level is 20 for the first gym which increases by 5 until level 100. You can access more information on gyms in-game with /gyms or seeing our wiki page here.

    Q: How do I join Discord?

    A: You can join Discord here or use /discord in the game chat. After that you need to verify which you can do in the #front-gate channel. You then should have access to the main discord server. You can also link your discord account in-game with /discord link, more information here.

    Q: I just got griefed/scammed/stolen from. What do I do?

    A: Contact a staff member who is online if the issue is recent. Otherwise, make a Support Ticket in the correct section with the needed proof. This may include coordinates, screenshots and chat logs.

    Q: Can I be a staff member?

    A: Any player can apply to be a staff member as long as they follow our guidelines and rules. You can find them within the discord applications category on discord, which you can join here.

    Q: Who is the owners? / Why are the owners never on?

    A: The owners, Rockes and Snowblitzz, have their own lives. That being said, they come on the server as much as they can. Most of the work that they do though is behind the scenes. That is why they have hired staff members to be online for them!

    Q: Can I donate towards the server? What can I buy?

    A: You can certainly donate to support us! If you go to our store you can see every purchasable feature, be it pokemon, a rank or consumables! You can also use /donate in game to access the store.

    Q: Where does "X" pokémon spawn?

    A: To find the information for where any pokemon spawns you can either use the in-game command /wiki pokemonname or use the pixelmon wiki to find where they spawn.

    Q: When will "X" feature be added to the server?

    A: If we do not have said feature added it might be for a few reasons: Not valid with the current plugins; Not in the current pixelmon version; Being worked on, however it requires time to build. You can see what things are added/changed/updated in MirageCraft in our discord.

    Q: When will "X" pokemon be added?

    A: We are a pixelmon server, not "the" pixelmon server. We do not control the mod in any way. For info on this please check the pixelmonmod.com website or their twitter page!

    Q: I have been affected by the bug "X". What do I do?

    A: Please make a support ticket on discord with the chat and send the fml logs so we can assess the situation. Additionally, you can report it at the bug report section if it is still unknown of. You may have a chance to get rewards!

    Q: I found an offensive structure. What do I do?

    A: Please report it to a staff member. If none are online, please make a player report ticket on the discord.

    Q: I think I found an exploit. What do I do?

    A: Please make a bug report ticket about it. Do NOT mention what its about nor how to replicate. Please contact the staff team privately with the methods of replication, preferably Admin or above.

    Q: I'm being harassed by a player, what should I do?!

    A: Don't worry, we're here to help you! You can report this to any staff online, PM a staff member on Discord, or make a Player Report ticket on the discord. We'll take care of the issue from there.

    Q: Why is the server not running on the most recent version of Pixelmon?

    A: This is most likely due to them being betas or filled with bugs. We only update when we are sure the players will be safe while playing. At the moment the server is on the most up-to-date version as it was deemed safe enough for the server to update to.

    Q: Is "X" enabled?

    A: Keep Inventory is Enabled, TNT is Disabled, Fire-spread is Disabled. For more information on the what the server has enabled click here.

    Q: I'm stuck in a battle, what do I do?

    A: One common pixelmon bug is that if the pokeball or pokemon goes of the edge in the end or glitches through the floor you can be stuck in the battle. One way to get out of this is /endbattle. If that doesn't work then you either have to leave and rejoin the game or can ask for staff you kick you with your permission.

    Q: What is the best way to hatch an egg?

    A: The best way to hatch an egg is to have a flame body or magma armour pokemon in your first party slot and run around. We also have /warp afkegghatcher to help.

    Q: Where can I level up my pokémon?

    A: You can go to /warp mirageisland and either go into the pixelmon (blue) grass for pokemon close to your party level or use the spawners.

    Q: What do I do with Mirage Crystals?

    A: They can be used to edit your pokemon in /pb. More information can be found here.

    Q: What are shards used for?

    A: Shards can be used to summon pokemon that you want, such as legends or random pokemon. You can find more information here.

    Q: How do I claim my PlayTime Rewards?

    A: Use /prewards to claim them.

    Q: Is UltraSpace Open?

    A: UltraSpace Isn't open due to being very buggy at the moment.

    Q: Where do I get a key stone?

    A: A key stone can be earned from completing all rock town quests, buying at /warp pokemart or killing a mega boss.

    Q: How do I use mega stones?

    A: To use mega stones, you need a key stone and the mega stone of the pokémon you want. Mega stones can be can be bought on /gts or at /warp pokemart, stock reset every in-game day.

    Q: How do I get Pendorite?

    A: Pendorite is below y56 in embur bog. Emerladite is wailing garth.

    Q: Why can’t I place shulkers?

    A: This feature has been removed. To open shulkers you can shift+right click into the air or in your inventory.

    Q: Can I contribute to this page?

    A: Yes! If you have any questions, ask them and we will add them!
